chapter | 43

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──────L U D I C R O U S [ chapter 43 • sleepless nights & sleepovers ]──────

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[ chapter 43 • sleepless nights & sleepovers ]

THE CURRENT TIME is 3 o'clock in the morning and it's a Friday night. There's an early practice session tomorrow morning that's in about six more hours and I couldn't sleep for the life of me. Every damn night is a futile tussle of conflicting thoughts.

Laying in the darkness — the only light being that of the glowing moonlight that seeped into my room from the window — I felt drunk on the deafening silence. For hours it poured into my pores, dowsing my mind in its thick toxicity. There's a tenseness in my muscles that makes me more of a mannequin on the softness of my bed. I wanted more than anything to melt into the soft foam, drifting into the world of dreams.

Yet my brain is a violent whirl of stupidity, trying to organize the chaos in my life. Seeking to discover a way to control the capriciousness of people that slowly trickle into my life, to acquiesce and please them so that they don't leave a less draining experience on me.

Of course, I know this shit is pointless — life is far too random for the human brain to take into account the billions of factors playing in daily life forming together for one person.

I roll over in my bed, grabbing my phone and checking the time. The numbers, 3:15 am flashback at me vividly. I groan while simultaneously aggressively yanking the covers over my head. I think about texting Atalie since I know I won't be going to sleep anytime soon, but I think against it — I didn't want to disturb her sleep just because I couldn't get any.

Raking a hand through my hair, I reach for my phone once more. "Fuck it," I mutter, opening up to her contacts.


are you up?

my brat
no bitch im sleeping

my brat
try again in a few
hours <33

it's later now
talk to me, please

my brat
im kinda busy

my brat
im giving my
turtle a haircut

my brat
it's in desperate
need of a glow
up ... like you :)

you don't even
own a damn

are you done
being sarcastic?

my brat

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