Nai And Gareki

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-Your Point Of View-

"What are you doing?" I whimpered. A man pushed me up against a wall. "You're such a dense girl..." He whispered in my ear. He bit my neck and it felt funny. *BOOM!* "Hmm... I'll go see what that is." He grumbled. I sat on my bed and rubbed the bite mark. What was he doing? I was about to lay down when someone fell from the ceiling. "Heh?" I said, tilting my head. The boy mumbled under his breath a few times and looked my way. "Hmm..." He walked toward me. He had black hair, with goggles on his head. He wore a blue trench coat. "Mister?" I asked as he was staring at me. He turned away and grabbed something shiny. He then blew a hole in the wall and took off. I got up and ran after him. Trailing a few metres behind. "Mister!" I yelled to him. He didn't stop. He then took a corner and disappeared. I sat on the ground and sang a song I heard before that man took me. "Nobody likes you. Everyone left you. They're all out without you, having fun." I sang. The song made me sad, but it's the only one I know. The someone walked toward me. "Hey kid. Why'd you follow me?" A boy's voice asked. I looked up to see the same boy from the house. "Well... I... Um... I don't know?" I said. "Then why don't you go home?" He said rudely. "That's not my home. He took me from my home and now I don't know where to go. Please help me." I pleaded. "Great. Now I have to watch a kid." He mumbled. "What do I call you then?" He asked. "Um... I've never been called anything other than kid." I stated. He looked away, then looked back. "How about (Y/N)?" He asked. "Yeah okay! That sounds cool!" I exclaimed. "Okay well I have one more stop and then we can go find a place to stay. Let's go. Oh, and I'm Gareki." He said. I nodded my head and we began running. I trailed behind him but stayed close enough. We showed up at a house and he told me to wait in the bushes. I heard banging around, things blowing up and a man screaming. After a bit, the house crumbled down. I looked up to where there was a bit of the house still intact to see Gareki with... Another person? I think. They jumped down and ran my way. He grabbed me then we ran across houses with some thing following us. Gareki dropped the boy and I into a dumpster and told us to stay. "Hello, I'm Nai!" The boy smiled and held out his hand. I looked at his hand then back at him, accepting his hand in the process. "I'm... Uh... (Y/N)." I said. "I like your hair." We said at the exact same time. I giggled quietly. His hair was a bright white with purple tips. The same as mine just different colours. Mine was (h/c) with red tips. I looked at him and he was smiling. I shivered slightly. "I'm cold, are you?" I asked him. He nodded and came closer to me then wrapped his arms around me. "There that's warmer." He mumbled. "Can I fall asleep?" He asked. "Yeah, I don't mind." I replied. He rested his head on my lap and fell asleep. I twirled and petted his hair.

-Gareki's Point Of View-

I walked around the streets looking for which dumpster I put the kids in. "Damn it." I breathed out. It was freezing. And those kids were in shorts and t-shirts. There going to freeze if I don't find them. "(Y/N)! Nai! Where are you?!" I shouted. (Y/N) came out of an alley carrying Nai on her back. "Gareki?!" She squeaked out. "There you are." I walked up and grabbed Nai. I sat him against a wall and took off my jacket. I wrapped it around (Y/N) and picked up Nai. "Follow me. I found a place." I said. We headed to an abandoned church. Earlier I came here and brought out blankets I found in the basement. There were only two. "(Y/N)? Gareki? Where are we?" Nai said finally waking up. "This is where we're staying tonight." I said. (Y/N) walked up and tugged on my shirt. "Gareki... I'm tired." She said. I gave Nai a blanket then went to give (Y/N) one. I saw her lying beside the wall, wrapped up in my jacket. Nai lied a little bit away from her. I lied in between them and shared my blanket with (Y/N). I thought about the song she was singing before. She sounded sad. I turned and looked her way. Nai and her looked quite similar actually. The same hair type, but hers is a touch longer. They both have big red eyes. She was hugging something. I reached over and grabbed it. It was a little plush animal. It didn't look like any animal I've ever seen. It had wings and horns and and weird tail. Quite strangely it looked like her. It was all (h/c), but the tips of its ears were red and it had red eyes. I gave it back to her and closed my eyes. "What have I gotten myself into now?" I mumbled.

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