My Date With A Model... Damn

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My Date With A Model… Damn

Chapter One

“Karla Winters come and sit.” I did what I was told and sat down. I looked around, the conference room was bright and open. One wall was all windows; looking out of it you could see all of downtown New York, from two-hundred feet in the air. I quickly turned around in the swivel chair remembering my fear of heights. I glanced back at the woman who was looking through my files. The look on her face was unreadable as she flipped the pages. She would ‘hmmm’ and ‘ahhh’ occasionally, which ticked me off. I hate it when people do that.

“Karla,” The woman’s voice snapped me out of my trance. “I certainly love these photos. Especially your Cosmo cover, you’ve come a long way for just a sixteen year old.” I smiled slightly.

“Thank you,”

“Now, down to business. I would be very pleased if you would be the model for Vogue.” My jaw dropped, I didn’t actually think they’d ask. But they did.

“O-of course,” I’m honored they had asked, but I was sick of modeling. It was even my choice, it was my moms. She forced me into this. I was over it, I still tried to act excited when they asked me but it felt more like a chore than a job.

“Alright, I will call your agent and set up the dates.” And with that she left. I remained seated and sighed; I grabbed my phone out of my bag and dialed my mom’s number. Another fantastic job to look forward to.


I was currently seated at a little coffee shop downtown, I had called my mother but she was in a meeting, like usual. Always too busy for me.

“Decaf. No sugar. Milk. Coffee.” A voice yelled, I quickly stood up to get my drink. After I paid I walked back to my seat, I sat down and pulled out my favorite book. Wuthering Heights. Even though I’m a model, it doesn’t mean I don’t like to read, I love it actually.

“Karla?” I looked around and saw my best friend, Jayle Koal. She was an odd person, but she was the best. She quickly skipped over to me; I pulled her into a bone crushing hug. I hadn’t seen her in two months. I had actually met Jayle at school but lately I haven’t been going. So, I haven’t seen her at all, especially since my mother doesn’t approve of her.

“Where ya been chica?” She asks as she sits down next to me. I shrug my shoulders; she stares at me like I’ve grown another head. “You’re on Cosmo and I hear you’re doing Vogue and all you can do is shrug your shoulders?”

I nodded, taking a sip of my coffee. “Sorry, I don’t find that ‘exciting’.”

Jayle rolls her eyes at me, “You’re weird, most girls I know would’ve died from excitement.”

“Well, I’m just bursting for joy, I might pop. That better?” I ask. Jayle glares at me and I laugh.

After an hour of talking, I knew I needed to get home. I checked the time it read 7:24 pm. Mom would be pissed if I was late, I’m sixteen and my curfew is 8 o’ clock. Sucks. As I was walking out I felt a body collide with mine. I braced myself for the ground, but it never came. I opened my eyes and looked up. I was met with the bluest eyes ever. My jaw almost dropped. This man was gorgeous.

“Sorry,” His voice was deep and rough. “I should’ve been watching where I was going.” He stares at me, his eyes were filled with confusion.

“Um, can I stand up now?” I ask. He suddenly realizes that his hands are still wound around my waist. I suddenly feel cold when his hands leave my body.

“I, uh, have I seen you before? You look familiar.”

“No, I don’t think so.”

His eyebrows furrow, “I don’t know. How old are you?”


“What school?”

“Uh, I go to New York Heights.” Or at least I used to, I thought.

“Damn, that’s why you look familiar. I go there too; I’m a senior. I guess I’ve just seen you around before. And again sorry for running into you.” He flashes me a smile and I almost melt.

“Oh, uh it’s ok. I probably would’ve tripped somehow.” I admit. “But thanks for saving me from the fall, uh…” I trailed off, waiting for him to fill in the blank.

“Oh, Collin Wye.”

“Well, see you around.” I say as I turn around and walk towards my apartment.


“Why in the world would you want to go back to school?” My mother asked. I shrugged my shoulders and plopped another grape into my mouth. For some reason I wanted to go back, I wasn’t getting any younger.

“Mom, I’m sixteen, I have to go to school.”

“You could always get your GED. Oh that’d be perfect; you wouldn’t have to worry about school, of homework. Just work.”

“Mom,” I say snapping her from her day dream. “I’m going back to school. I want to have somewhat of a normal life. Having friends, going to parties, homecoming, prom, having a boyfriend.”

“Sweetie,” I stare at my mom, with the puppy dog look. “Alright, fine. You may go back to that hell you call school.” My eyes go wide and I run to my mom and give her a hug.

“Thank you! Thank you! I love you. You’re the best!”

Tomorrow I’ll be back at school, living a normal life. I smile to myself and run upstairs to tell Jayle, she would be ecstatic. I wonder what will happen tomorrow.

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