An Introduction...

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Dear Awesome Reader,

I hope you enjoy My Girlfriend Bites. To be honest, I never thought I would ever write a paranormal romance. First off, I'm a guy. Second, vampires just don't interest me and I think my favorite witch was Samantha on that 1960's television show Bewitched. But I do like werewolves. Especially after seeing the movie, An American Werewolf in London as a teen. That movie scared a pile of excrement out of me.

So why did I write this book? One word. Twilight. I read the first two books and didn't like Bella Swan's character. Why? Because I felt she was too passive and let Edward control her to the point where she couldn't do anything without him. It bothered me enough to start writing this book, asking such questions as: What if the girl was strong and the boy was weak? What if the girl was a powerful werewolf? How could she help him and how could he help her? Soon this story took shape and I had to write it.

Based on the feedback from readers of the book, many have commented about Aiden's non-endearing qualities early in the story. Yes, he isn't your typical heroic guy who sweeps the girl off her feet the first time she meets him. Aiden is flawed with some major issues he needs to deal with, and Bree is just the kind of "girl" who can shake him out of his comfort zone to face them. Aiden is a work in progress, and I look forward to seeing where this character decides to take me in future books.

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Did I mention that I love hearing from readers? Please feel free to let me know what you liked, truly loved, or didn't like at all about this story.

Happy reading!


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