The child that fell from the moon Part 1

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Disclaimer : I do not own blood of Zeus or its character's  and i do not own the  images in this story i'm just using them . this is non profit and its not commercial  its just a fan fiction.

                                                                           Character: Mizuki

                                                                          Appearance :  black hair, soft tan skin like the                                                                                         moon ,golden and  sometimes ice blue eyes , a golden                                                                                                         moon birth mark on her chest .

                                                                         Interest : using magic , her elements power  and acting silly,                                                                             

Love interest : Apollo,Hermes , Ares .

                                                                        Personality : funny,kind , innocent , silly 

                                                                         MIzuki's  POV

My name i Mizuki i'm a half human half spirit, when i was young i was abandoned by  my father because he blamed me for my mother death  because she died giving birth to me  so he  tossed me from the moon  kingdom towards earth  ; there i met my new mother Electra  and she gave me a home with her. when we met i was by the  river a servant spotted me and said "your majesty  there's a baby over there",  during that time i watched a bird fly across the sky ;then Electra  said  "bring the baby over"and the servant in a hurry  gave me to Electra and  Electra smiled and said "what a beautiful baby girl"and i said mama  and  giggled  . 3 minutes later she waled to the palace with me in her arms  and  the king spotted us and said what is that in your arms she said its  a baby can i keep her and the king gave me a  disgusted look and said i don't care do what you wan't  then she smiled and hold me close to her chest  and retired to her chambers with me .

Time skip

It was  a cool night when  i started to talk i said mom i love you she was shocked and said  my child you can talk ; and i said yes i'm not from this  world i'm from the moon kingdom on the moon she gasped and said  are you a goddess ,i said no  but i'm a spirit and half human do you hate me now. She said no my little Mizuki and kissed my forehead  and i said we moon people grow up faster than humans with in days. And seconds latter the king came in chamber with a bouquet  of blue roses and look at me and said you should give the baby to the servants so she gave me to my nanny  and i wen't to my room and i noticed he's  back mean the next day but he's nice the other then i told mom he's not the king then she said to me i know I've  got a plan  , we waited for him to enter  the  chamber  and  i said now and she pulled the dagger to his throat and said your not my husband who are you   and he said you deserve to know the truth  and he changed to his real form  and said my name is Zeus  .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         And suddenly we all hear a  male's voice say father she sees you hurry back i'll take your place .'' and me and Electra look at the mirror with shock  as we see a tall golden blond  haired man  talking to Zeus  and i said what the hell as he noticed me watching him in aw  , and i started to blushed as i noticed i was looking at him. Then Zeus kissed Electra  goodbye as he goes in side the mirror  disappearing   through the mirror  , I said "mom  do people on earth move  through mirrors"  then he said "only gods and goddess  can do that", "but i want to know how a can a human child like you grow  so fast ?" He ask as he grabs an apple from the nearby table  , then he faces me with a smirk, then i jump towards him  and say i'm not a human you jerk  ;i'm from the moon i said then suddenly i have another growth spurt  and i burst out my clothes . i look down and i see  a soft perfect and milky white 34 D cup size breasts with pink nipples,  and perfect curves  and smooth and silky skin no pubic .like i was sculpted by god himself and hair past my waist.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 then i look up and see Apollo staring at my body  with a red face like an apple  then i run towards my mother and  say save me this pervert is staring at me . then he stop looking at me and turns  to Electra  and say he must really love you, to show him self to you.He says to Electra  then Electra frowns ,and say who are you ?and why were you looking at my little girl ? She asks him and he turns to face us and give me a smirk . I'm Apollo son of Zeus, and yes i am looking at her  he walks toward me  and kiss me in the mouth   after he's through  i gasp for air  and yell that was  my first kiss you big meanie ,i know because your so inexperienced  and he licks his lips with a hungry sparkle in his eyes . And he turns toward Electra  and says Don't worry i won't tell Hera i was born out of wedlock to.''  just like your son .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    he says  while turning to wink at me making me blush ,I'll  break his legs i say to myself and he say what was that . then i turn to Electra with a smile  and  i cant wait to see my brother .''i say in a good mood  then i remember the king if he finds out my brother will be killed.'' then i say mom don't worry i'm an adult now i can say the baby's mine  i can use my magic to make me look pregnant  the king won't suspect a thing.Then she hold my hands with tears in her eyes and say my child do you really want to go through with this  ! What if the king kill you if he finds out your trying too hide the baby ,what if Hera finds out and comes after you. Mom don't worry i'm not a human remember i'm an immortal   spirit  i'm strong i have a plan you go to my room and i stay here as you with Apollo . I smile and she smile backs  and hug me.   thank  you  my child  she says and hug me and i hug her back ." i turn to face Apollo and say it was nice meeting you pervert! ignoring  what i said he come's towards me and say your willing to do that for your mother and brother  . i wish my mother had a friend like that , i'll help you out since your brave .'' And he kisses my hand . And he goes onto the balcony with me.

                                                                              (Hera and Zeus )

Your son is with the princess  in that castle .Did you know this ? Hera asks Zeus  who  was looking at Apollo and Mizuki  outside on the balcony talking to each other . very smart you two he thought as he looked back at Hera  with a smile.  i knew he  was seeing someone but i didn't  know it was a mortal .'' Zeus says as Hera sighs  as she leaves the garden  then Apollo appears. then Zeus say's that girl is clever  going outside  with you on the balcony  so that Hera will only think it's just you and her   , Apollo says yes but she came up with the idea. Zeus sighs and say i hope she knows what she is getting into .                                                                                                                                                                  (10 hours latter )                                                                                                               Electra  belly grows a lot bigger than before  and so does my fake one we talk in the room and Electra said she wanted to pray to Zeus . Electra ill pray for you Hera might listen so i grabbed the pendent   and prayed  for her word for word '', Zeus i beg  you this child is innocent ''i begged   in a sad tone with sad eyes  and grab the pendent  in my hand.  Then i heard the gawking of the crow as it left in the night sky  from the balcony ,i was right Hera was keeping an eye on us just in case ; instead of Electra  she will try to come after me instead  just like planed.that night the king had nightmares about  heron  .                                                                                                                                            (next two days)                                                                                                                                                                 and i  hear a  cry of pain  and Electra screaming it's to soon   and her water broke and lucky i sent the maids to buy something and  so i helped Electra  give birth and i held the second baby in my hands and  Electra held the first baby   , i can finally stop pretending to be pregnant . Soon after the king burst through the door with his guards , they walked towards us ; i hold onto the baby in my arms he looked at me and Electra with the babies .  i heard that both of you were pregnant  at the same time  i  had dreams of a demon baby with blue eyes so I believe it is one of you who has him.I just have to kill The one that has blue eyes the king said with a crazy look at me and Electra.  give him to me the king says as he grabs the first son . me and Electra watched as he opens the baby eyes  , and said  He will be a lion .  which means your  baby is a demon  you always had a strange eye and hair color  he says as he walk towards me  with a dagger and i walk backwards  and say don't come closer.  then a Eagle files in and  attacks the king and the baby was on the floor, and Electra  looked at me then i nod and use my powers to lift them in the  air and explode the soldiers heads as Zeus fight the others . the king yells kill the the demons to the remaining guards , me and Zeus kill  some of the remaining soldiers  and i look back to see that Electra killed the king  with to save the second baby . i looked for the other baby but it  was with the soldiers , protect the king the soldiers cried  and run towards Electra and me and Zeus protect her.  Electra yells my son  and i look at her and say i'll get him just escape with Zeus and they both nod  as  i  teleport out  looking for the baby i see the kings brother holding him near a cliff and drop  him then i fly down to  go save the baby but it was gone . i return to Electra and say sorry i have looked everywhere  but could not find him , i'm so sorry! i said with tears in my eyes.

TO BE CONTINUED ...............

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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