♲︎︎︎⌫𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐆𝐨⌫♲︎︎︎

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I sat there at night listening to every voicemail she sent but let's start off with how our love story ended.

*November 3rd 2019*
"LEO WHAT DID YOU DO?" Ari said in a joking tone, they were sitting outside on the swings. We were talking about anything but something felt off with myself, I didn't feel the connection anymore or maybe it was because my friend yelled at me for getting with the girl he liked but at the end was it worth losing a friendship or my happiness? "Leo are you ok?" Ari sounded concerned, I let the words slip out my mouth and it felt like I was the one getting stabbed "Do you think were gonna work?" Leo said seriously. Ari stared at me with hurt in her eyes she got off the swing, "do you not want me anymore?" Ari said with her voice cracking. I felt tears bottling up and I tried to hold them back "no I just don't know what to do,my friend wants me to choose." Leo said with a warm sea salt tear falling down his soft skin, she scoffed then turned around "if you wanted me then you wouldn't be thinking about it" Ari said with tears falling down her perfect soft skin. Leo grabbed her hand but she pulled away "I am gonna go" Ari said now in tears, "wait, you know I want you" Leo said with pain in his tone. "Drop it Leo! Were done!" Ari said with sadness and anger, those were the last words face to face and boy did Leo regret what he said that night, yes he did. But all he had was the voicemail she keeps sending him.

*Voicemail 13, March 30th 2021, 2:30AM*

"Hey Leo I know your not going pick up but I been leaving voicemails for almost two years or one year. I really hope you know I wanna talk this out"

"I know that we ended over something stupid but I miss you,I miss us but of course you have someone new. I hope they make you happy"

"Please answer me I want to talk this out and to see if we could become friends maybe? Ever since you left I haven't been feeling happy"

"Let me shut up,bye Leo"

I am not gonna respond I need to move on. Leo heard footsteps coming towards him, "Hey pumpkin, you ok?" Sarah said with a soft tone. God she looked like Ari, "I am fine!" Leo said with a crack in his voice. "Who was that on the phone?" Sarah asked with worry in her tone, Leo looked at her "Just a old friend,leaving me voicemails " Leo said trying to convince her because he never told her about his ex. But Leo could feel himself move on more and more each day even if he still had a tiny feeling about her.

*Ari POV*

Did he ever listen to my voicemails? Did he listen to them? Did he really love me? Stop Ari,your over thinking again. I climbed out my window to sit on the roof. As I sat on the roof with the cold breeze hitting my face, I felt like I should stop trying to talk to Leo. Our love story ended but I always wanted to restart it, I feel my heart shatter once I realized Leo must be happy in his new relationship. I quickly climb back inside and just pace around my room. I wanna feel his warm body against mine when we cuddle,I wanna hear his laugh,I wanna see his smile,I wanna see him. I want him back! I fell down to my floor and curled into a ball then began to let the warm sea salt tears fall from my soft skin. Ever since he left, I didn't feel happy or the same old me. I decided to suck it up and get off the floor and quickly wipe my tears, I walk downstairs to my kitchen but I wasn't hungry. I stopped caring about myself and how I looked when he left, I wish I could move on just like him. I just sit on the couch and lay down then fall into a sleep I wish I never woke up from.

*Leo's POV*

I really do like Sarah and I have a idea for our date night! I am cleaning up my gaming room were I do twitch live streams. I feel arms wrap around my waist and a cute little giggle and I turn around, I wrap my arms around her. "Hey cutie,were we going for dinner?" Leo said with a smile on his face, "can we just get some Chick-fil-A then come home?" Sarah said with a giggle. Leo stared into her eyes "after we eat, I am taking you somewhere!" Leo said with happiness in his tone

*a month later*Leo's POV *

Me and Sarah were engaged, I hope Ari will take it good cause I already sent out invitations. Were getting married next month.

*Ari POV*

I received a letter from Leo in the mail, maybe he is responding to my voicemails? I open it to see the words "Your invited to Leo and Sarah's wedding" I feel my eyes feel with tears then I see something written on the back "I am sorry Ari but I moved on just know I love you but not like that and I think you deserve someone better who won't hurt you" I feel my warm sea salt tears fall from my cheek to the paper I was holding on to, I rip the paper into pieces then dropped it on my wooden tile floor. I grab my car keys and rushed out my door to my car, I hopped in my car then drove off to God knows where. I could barely drive cause my vision was blurred with tears, I find a hill top spot and park my car there. I gripped the steering wheel tightly while my knuckles were turning white from my tight grip, I finally let go. I banged my head against the steering wheel but I couldn't feel the pain, the only pain I felt with the one in my heart. I screamed and cried till I couldn't anymore, I get out the car then sit on the cliff. I hear my phone ring, I pull it out my pocket to see Leo was calling, I immediately hit answer.

Leo:"Ari, are you ok?"
Ari:"you could have told me that you didn't want to fix us"
Leo:"I wanted to move on so I ignored you"
Ari:"its fine Leo,I just want you to be happy! Congratulations, I need to go!"
Leo:"will you be there?"
Ari:"of course! I promised to be there for your happiest moment and this is your happiest moment!"
Leo:"thank you"
Ari:"your welcome!"

I quickly ended the call then drove back home and crawled into bed crying.

*the wedding day*
I took a quick shower and put some make up on then I put on a dress. I held back every emotion in me then I get in my car and drove over to Leo's wedding. When I got out the car and stepped foot on the grass, there was Leo looking at me. Leo quickly ran up to me and hugged me, "thank you for coming! I really hope we can be friends!" Leo said with happiness. I can't help but smile and hug back tighter, "of course friends!" With happiness mixed with tears. The service was starting so everyone sat down then came the beautiful bride Sarah that I wish was me, the pastor did his thing. "Leo do you wanna be with Sarah forever" the pastor said with a smile. It hurt me when I hear Leo say "I do" but then the pastor asked "any objections?" ,I stood up and everyone stared at me and Leo gave me a stare. I walked out then ran to my car and quickly got in, I was about to drive off when I heard my car door open. It was Leo, I stare at him "what do you want Leo?" I say with my voice cracking. He stared at me "I am sorry, I love you but not like that, you deserve someone better." Leo breathed in after speaking. "Let me go,ok? And if we can't be friends,that's fine but maybe we can try and be friends in the future?" Leo said with his voice cracking with every word. I smile "I understand, I am trying to let go and I wanna be friends" Ari spoke in tears. They hugged each other with a tight grip for a while then Leo left to go back to Sarah.

Forever and always Leo you'll be my best friend but you were my first love so I can't forget you but I will try <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2021 ⏰

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