On the way to hogwarts

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James and Sirius were sitting on the train when a girl and a boy came in. they sat down in the seats beside them, the boy started talking.

"So, Lily what house do you want to be sorted into?" He asked.

"I don't know Severus. " Lily replied, "How about you"

"Slytherin probably" Severus stated.

"Sirius did you hear that, slytherin you want to be in slytherin!" Laughed James.

"Yeah I heard it  James, although my whole family has been in Slytherin." noted Sirius, "Im going to make that change. I want to be in gryffindor."

James realised the dirty look Lilly was giving him after this. 

 However, after a while lilly and Severus left the carriage. James decided to trip him up which made lilly more annoyed.

-the next chapter will be out soon sorry this isn't very long

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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