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You have reached the voice mail box of Benjamin Warren, she listened to his voice "sorry I’m not able to come to the phone right now hit me back later or leave a voice mail." Miranda rolled her eyes leaving a voice message.
 "Benjamin Warren it's your wife calling to see where you are. You should have been here by now, I cleared my schedule for 2 hours for our lunch date- " Miranda paused looking at her phone. Richard was calling her and her pager was going off with multiple people paging her 9-1-1.

She ended the call and threw her white coat on walking towards the door as she made her way to the door it flew open and Schmitt was standing there out of breath. "Chief your husband's here."

"Good tell him that I’m being page 9-1-1 and he has to wait now, oh and also tell him I’m not happy that he stood me up." She pouted but smiled because she knew he would make it up to her.

"No Chief , Your husband is here as in a patient. He had an accident." Schmitt said slowly so she could process.

Miranda felt like the wind was knocked out of her. She took in a deep breath: eyes watering.
She flew out of her office rushing to the elevators slamming her hand on the buttons until it opened with Schmitt right behind her.

Miranda raced down to the pit barging through every door until she laid eyes on him.

"We need to get him up for a CT scan and a MRI." Shepherd said and Miranda watched as they were rolling him.

"What the hell? What the hell happened?" Miranda asked looking at her husband.

"He was brought in on a rig. He took a fall off the ladder. He was wearing his helmet so we have to see how much damage there is." Hunt told her.

"Was he conscious at all?" Miranda asked wiping her tears.

"19 crew said he was in and out on the route here, but when he got here he was completely unconscious." Hunt informed her sadly.

"I will be down there to view the scans. I need to find 19." Miranda said raging.

"Miller better yet Pruitt Herrera." Miranda yelled into the waiting room.

"Dr. Bailey." Herrera said looking standing looking scared.

"What the hell happened?" She asked trying not to break down.

"We were doing an assimilation and apparently the ladder had a malfunction and it started to retract."

"Oh God." Miranda said softly covering her mouth.

"He's going to be okay, it wasn’t that long of a fall." Miller said grabbing her arms.

"Get your hands off me Dean Miller. Not that long of a fall. I hate all of you." She muttered leaving.

"Warren is a lucky man, there is not one broken bone and his stats are good." Hunt told her showing the charts.

"Did you all do an abdominal ultrasound to make sure there is no internal bleeding." She questioned.

"Yes and there is nothing."

"Shepherd what about his head." Miranda inquired.

"The helmet must have shield him of any blunt trauma, because his scans checks out. We will run it again to see if anything manifests in a few hours. If not then we will run it again tomorrow at noon." Amelia told her.

"Where is he?" Miranda asked.

"He is being moved to room 3045 and he is still unconscious Bailey. " Shepherd finished.

Miranda walked to her husband's room and saw him laying in the bed. She checked the stats of his monitor and exhaled seeing he was okay.

Miranda stayed with Ben for hours on end for a week. She wanted him to wake up. More than anything. She missed him like crazy.

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