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An incoming sound of laughter makes me inhale deeply. Here we go, I just brace myself for the ordeal. The notorious group of six boys enters the cafeteria. Yes, boys. That's what I call these noisy freshmen who always make a ruckus every time everywhere they show up. Because I'm certain no grownup men will act like them. In the last step of their freshman year, they already passed the naive and timid phase, but have not yet reached the hard world of seniors. 

I put a spoonful of rice in my mouth and am about to turn the page on my book when a shake makes me fall to a deep freeze. One of them had bumped onto my table when they passed by, shoving and pushing each other. All six heads turn to me, their faces lost their blood flow for a moment, mouths gaping followed by a dead silence. Three seconds later, they all bow and mumble rows of apologies then scurry away to the far end of the cafeteria. I don't know if they are afraid or just don't care enough. 

My head feels like exploding, filled to the brim with formulas and theories for tomorrow's final exam. I've chosen an empty table by the corner and this not-too-crowded time to have my late lunch, and yet this gang of little monkeys has chosen now to show up and ruin my mood. I just sit up straight and close my eyes. Inhales deeply, trying to calm myself. If only I can just blow up and vent my anger at them. But that's not me. I don't just blow up at people for no major reason.

But when I open my eyes and start chewing again, I notice the same boy who bumped into my table is still standing in front of me. I know him. He's not the gang leader, but he's one of the loudest jokers amongst them.  A white-skinned boy, saw him singing with his friends on a few performances, and sometimes helps out playing the drums for the cheerleader squad. Well, I'm glad he has other good talents besides being a clown, so it's not a waste.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you, Phi Singto. My friends and I didn't know it was you." His expression shows deep concern and regret. Oh, he has those merits in him? Again, I'm glad these boys not only have sand and wood shavings in their heads. Aww, calm down Singto, don't curse a man out of temporary anger. 

But, now that he's this close, why is his face seems familiar like we have met before. No, not on those short encounters on his performances, somewhere more... hey, wait. How does he know my name? Why. How. Have we really met before? Because I'm just a member of the campus committee who works behind the scene, I'm not well-known. And by the way, his whole gang already apologized, why is it necessary for him to apologize personally.

"Well, what's so special about me. Even if it's other people, you can't treat them like this. I know this is a public place, just mind that there are others around you, too." I give a small smile and lean forward, start reading my book again. But the boy isn't moving, he is still standing there. I start to get a bit annoyed and look up, "Anything else I can help you with, nong?" I'm sure he knows it was just sarcasm, but he still smiles, and, is that a twinkle in his eyes?

"My name is Krist, phi. Again, we're sorry, I am sorry if we've disturbed your lunch and your study." One of his friends quickly approaches and tries to pull him away while smiling awkwardly at me. "I hope you study well, Phi Sing... and keep getting good grades and..." he continues babbling while being dragged away by his friend, "...we're on the same major, would you like to be my tutor, please...?" was vaguely heard from the distance before his friend shuts him up by gagging his mouth. My mouth twitches, something tickles my heartstring, and a tiny urge to laugh forms inside. But I just shrugged and return to my reading. 

He is right, though. I always have good grades. Studying is the only thing that keeps me going. Ever since my mother passed away, her wish that I will excel in my study and have a bright future is the only thing I hold on to. I have no time for other puny and useless things...