69 shades of TW

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Waking up squinting your eyes, you groan, another rough one last night. The headache floods the memories of last nights antics. "Crystal snap out of it!" you say. Pushing the sheets off, i head to shower to wake myself up. "Why do i always do this?"  I just end up hungover and alone again. I try to shake off the bad thoughts and let the warm water rush it all away. I step of the shower and dry off quickly. I hear i buzzing noice and run to my phone on the dresser. I pick it up "Hello". "Hi Crystal"  You know right away its your best friend tressi. "Hi tressi""  "How are you feeling this morning?" Im Feeling hungover and tired" Tressi laughs, "You know we have to do it again tonight" "Yea, im down but please dont let me drink as much". "ok" she says. "Lets meet infront of the club at 11pm ok". "Sure thing" you say as you press end on the call.You pull out your outfit for the day out of the drawer. I think something tight and sexy. I haven't had sex in months i think. It usually ends in one night stands and ill call you but what the hell, im young horny and just want to have a good time. You slide on your lace red panties and bra . Then that  tight red dress that  makes you feel sexy. Its like the dress molds to your body. This will be just perfect.

11pm standing in front of the double doors to the club, you are determined to meet someone, anyone, to take home. Tressi walks up in here black dress and clutch purse. "Hi tressi" you ready to dance? "yes" she says lets do it. You enter the club, the sound of the music over takes you. You head to the bar already dancing. Hey bartender two usuals!! You Notice something different that night. Looking over to the VIP are five guys!! You grab your drink and whisper to tressi "who is that over in vip?" I think its.... OMG itsss The Wanted. I almost spit my drink out. The Wanted a band you love.. You cant believe it!!! My hands all the sudden become wet." Stay Calm" you say to yourself. Your heart start beating out of your chest. You have always had a thing for Mr. Sykes. They are all in suits and thin ties and you feel yourself getting warm all over. Could Mr Sykes be the one who takes you home tonight?

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