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             All I remember is waking up in a bed, in what looked like a normal teenage bedroom. I didn't know where I was and how I got there. All I knew was that my name is Jacob Worth and that's it. A lot has changed since that moment. I've learned about my family, lies, truths and secrets. More secrets than any family should have. Why am I telling you this you may ask, why am I revealing my family's secrets. Well, I am sharing this with all of you in hope that if any of you have been in the same situation, or have felt the same feeling as me, would come and join my mission. My mission to stop all of this, and let it not happen to anyone ever again.

          I feel a sudden shiver passing through my spine going upward, and as that feeling reaches my brain I suddenly jerk upward and wake up. A bead of sweat runs down my face and I am breathing heavily, but as I look around I can see what looks like a normal teenage bedroom. But something feels different, I feel so uncomfortable here. It's as if I have just woken up from a coma, and the world or rather place that I am in is unfamiliar to me. And what's weirder is that, I don't remember anything before this moment. Like my past memories have been wiped out, the only thing that I am sure of is my name, Jacob Worth. 

           The door swings open revealing a young woman, probably in her thirties, carrying a tray filled with pancakes and bacon. "Breakfast" she says as she sets the tray in front of me.

"Who are you?" I ask "Where....." she cuts me off before I could finish my question.

"Jacob, you know who I am." she seems amused by my question "I'm your mother, Cherise" 

"If you're my mother, then who is my father?"  I ask. She then looks at me as though she has just seen a ghost. 

"Jacob, you don't remember?" her voice is softer, she doesn't seemed amused by that question. "Your father, he died when you were eight." 

Her eyes seem so truthful, but something in the back of my mind is telling me to not believe her.

"Oh....." I say wanting her to think I was upset and that I had believed her. 

"When you finish your breakfast come downstairs, and if I were you I'd do it quickly because Camille is down there talking with your sister. And unless you want your sister to..........."

I cut her off before she could finish "Camille is?" 

She looks at me and seems amused again "She's your best friend silly, and in case you forgot your sister, Nina, loves revealing your secrets to other people." 

She closes the door and I find myself alone with a tray of pancakes and bacon right in front of me. I hear my stomach rumble and decide that I can't go out on an empty stomach. I finish my breakfast in five minutes, and I decide to take a shower before going downstairs. When I open the bathroom door I am greeted with the sight of myself in a mirror. I pause and take a few minutes to look at myself, black hair, blue eyes, and a perfectly muscle toned body. It takes me only seconds to identify these features but I feel like this is the first time I have actually seen myself. Realizing that this is a waste of time, I step into the shower and take a hot bath. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2012 ⏰

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