chapter one

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Hi im eren yeager, im 17 years old and heres some backround information, i had a good popular life in school, it all seemed like a perfect life until my dad left us years ago. My mom got so depressed and stoped working for months, which made us lose lots of money. But finally my mom got back up and went back to her usual life until she got a new boyfriend, named alex. Ive always hated him. He took all of our saved money and used it to buy beer and more useless things. He was always drunk but my mom didnt care, she was too in love with him to see the truth. Later on my mom told me that we have to move because she found a better job in a diffrent state and that it would pay her alot of money, i was so sad that i had to leave all my friends and my life there and move to a diffrent state far away. But before i went i had to say goodbye to everyone.

At school~

"Hey armin..." i said, he was my best friend since pre school, it was really painfull to say good bye to him. "Hey eren... i dont think we should talk that much today because i dont want to.... cry and get sad" he said as he scratched his head. I was so heart broken but just nodded and left. Later it was luch time and almost all of my friends were either busy or not here, the ones that were her were so sad i was going to leave. Hours passed by and school was finally over, i couldnt talk to any of them becasue I couldnt find them and I was busy with work. I tried to look for them but couldnt find them so i just went home. "Hey sweetie, did you say good bye to eveyone?" Said my mom, i didnt want to make her tell me to go back and say goodbye so i just lied and told her yes. "Yes mom. Now lets go, were gonna miss out plane if we dont hurry." I said "oh yeah we only have a hour to go there come on" she said. I was worried that i left anything behind so i went to go check my room and found a old picture from when i was riding a rollercoster with armin. I started to tear up but i hold in my tears and left with my mom.

Hours later at the plane~

I was in the plane with my mom and she was asleep next to her boyfriend and i was sitting next to a random girl. "Hi, im mikasa!" Said the girl, she had black hair reaching above her elbows and beautiful grey eyes. "Hey, im eren how are you" i said as i looked at her "good! Thanks for asking" she said, hours passed and we talked for a long time until she fell asleep, she looked so beautiful sleeping. I got tired 10mins later so i also went to sleep.
I woke up hearing a soft voice say "eren.... eren" i opened my eyes and saw a girl then i rubed my eyes and realized it was mikasa. "Uh.. yes?" I said. "The plane just stopped and your moms outside. She tried waking you up but you didnt wake up so she told me that shes going home and gave me a paper with your new house address and told me to give it to you" she said, i was so confused but thanked her. "Oh ok thanks... well i should get going now. Bye" i said as i left. "Damn it i should of given her my number, i really wanted to talk to her more but i guess it dosent matter since i will probally never see her again." I thought. I finally arived home and knocked the door. I waited about one minute then my mom opened. "Oh hey eren. Come in i need to talk to you." She said in a nervous tone, i got worried but went in. We sat down in the table and just stayed there in the scilence, "eren honey, i have to ask you something" my mom said. "Yes mom?" I said while i was confused "so our new house is quite small and i dont think you will like it here. So you have two options, number one you could live with us here, number two, you could go live in an aparment 10 minutes away." She said "you dont have to think about it right now but you have to decide soon" i was so happy to finally being able to live alone. "I-i want to live in the aparment!" I said with joy. Later after we talked about it my mom said i cant start moving out now since i just got here. Later i was at my aparment and was setting everything up but then i forgot my phone in my car. As i was going i bumped into someone and landed ontop of them, i opened my eyes and saw it was the same girl from the airport. "Mikasa!?" I said suprised "hi- um.... could you get off me... your hurting me" i look over and saw my knee was ontop her area. I started to blush and said "oh my god sorry. Here let me help you up" i reached my hand over and helped her up "so.. what are you doing here?" She asked. "Oh i just moved in here. What about you?" "Same i just moved here" she said while putting her hair behind her ear. We then talked for a while then i remembered why i came down in the first place "oh shoot i have to go. Sorry bye" i said while running. She then waved at me and i got back ro my car and got my wallet. I was walkimg back to my room then i saw mikasa again? "Mikasa? I sure do see you alot" i said laughing "oh hey! What are you doing here" ahe asked as she tilt her head. Her hair was longer then one side when she tilted her head. "Oh well this is my room" i said "really? Wow i live a few more rows near you" she smiled. "Oh thats nice. Well its getting pretty late i should go" i said "ok bye eren!" "Bye" i answered back. Then i went to sleep thinking about her.

SORRY IF IT WAS TO SHORT IF IF I SPELLED THIS WRONG BUT IT WAS 4AM!!!! Im going to make 1-3 or more chapters a day so please check my story for more chapters! And if you could add this to your libary, vote, and comment some things i should add to the story! Thank you bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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