chapter | 27

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──────L U D I C R O U S [ chapter 27 • one hell of a close call ]──────

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[ chapter 27 • one hell of a close call ]

COFFEE - THE ONLY thing that fixes every problem. If you're exhausted, drink some coffee (well, sometimes I need to drink a monster, but that's beside the point). Have a throbbing headache? Drink some damn coffee. Annoyed by everyone on this damn planet? Have a nice cup of coffee - it's a well-deserved treat when having to deal with some shitty people. Got a lousy 10% on your calculus test? Drink an extra-large cup of coffee.

As I sip on the cold beverage, tasting the cold liquid on my tongue, my eyes gloss over the exam I received yesterday. Since school was out for the day (the majority of the town had been at the town fair and it seemed best to give teachers/students a day off), my teacher had decided to give me a day to make corrections on the test to bring this damn grade up.

The upper half of my body leaned against the counter in my mother's bakery, she had thought it'll be best to have Hunter and I work together for the day, a way to help solve our issues. And frankly, that idea was a total flop when she perched it this morning, but that didn't stop her from dragging us down here.

I flipped through the pages of the exam, sighing as the majority of the pages were covered with red markings and my handwriting that stated 'Idk' on every freaken problem. Not to mention different drawings where my teacher made margin notes stating 'this isn't calculus related', but let's not forget the dude likes to tell his entire life story every day and that's not calculus related.

The one thing I didn't get was how I'll understand something when doing my homework, but when the time comes for the test, the content on the test isn't anywhere as close to what I learned. It's just stupid numbers littering the page without a meaning.

"Can I get an iced latte with four pumps of expresso, steamed over non-fat milk with vanilla cream at exactly 65 degrees, I want nothing more or less. And add a dozen of red velvet cupcakes."

I stood up straight, placing my coffee to the side while blinking several times. "Excuse me?" I ask because who the fuck asks for something like that.

The woman across from me pushed her sunglasses over her head, making them sit on top of her long fiery red hair. A sigh left her lips as she rolled her eyes, "I shouldn't have to repeat myself."

Now back to the topic about coffee fixing your problems. With people like this, being a cliché pretentious snob, they need a nice cup of coffee being thrown on them just to melt them away. Because let's face it they were the equivalent to the wicked witch of West.

But the issue at hand was I couldn't just throw coffee on this lady. One that'll be abuse to my coffee. And two, it'll create a scene and my mother will kill my ass.

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