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"Lets go" he broke the calm atmosphere in the room which was built in the room. Well it was more like a calm before the storm kinda of a atmosphere. He let me go and started walking towards the door, expecting me to follow him like a puppy.

Part of me wanted to go with him but another part of me wanted to follow him anywhere he goes. I mean I came with Matt. Shit Matt. Is he okay?

Guilt washed over me as I felt like a bitch for ditching him. Knowing him, he must be thinking something along the lines of Damien doing something awful to me.

I felt really bad now. What kind of a friend was I? Shit.

"Um... I think I should go down and go back with..." The words I wanted to say trailed off as I saw him turn and look at me with in an intense way. I felt chills run through my body. He looked scary now. It was as if the little bit of comfortable presence he gave out all this time vanished and his usual cold scary presence was out.

"What is it?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Aaa... you see" I felt scared to tell him somehow. I didn't know how to tell him that I wanted to go back with the guy I came with. Sure it sounds right, I mean a decent person would do that right? But I kissed another guy. And this guy looked like I had no option but to go back out with him.

Come on Rosalie, be brave. You are a Strong women. You don't take shit from men. I took a deep break. And started strong.

"I think we should part ways from here. I meany date is downstairs and he must be worried about me..." my strong tone started sounding like a weak tone as I saw his face grow even more cold. How is that even possible?

"Sooo" Yup I definitely sounded like a wuss now. Hey don't laugh or judge me, I bet if you were in my position you would do the same. Imagine trying to convince a hungry lion who is standing in front of you to not eat you. "I think I should"

"No " he said and turned around walking to the exit, again expecting me to follow him. "You are coming with me"

My mouth was left gasping for lost words I was about to say.

"But.. but... why?" I demanded quickly following him to stop him.

"Its dangerous for you to be here. I rather you stay away from all of these people. " he replied bluntly.

"Hey can't just boss me around and how can they be dangerous. I can't take care of myself just to let you know."  I finally caught up to him.

"Hey wait stop", and stopped him by reaching out to stop him by the arm. Damn he has mussels cuz his arm was hard as a rock.

He stopped and glanced at where I was holding him. I suddenly let go. Shit did I offend him. I didn't think too much of it since we did make out and stuff. He turned around and his hand quickly reached out for my hand that was retreating and firmly but gently held it as if he was scared I would dissapear.

" they are horrible people Rose. Trust me I work with them" is all he said.

"Yeah but Matt-"

"If you want you could inform your friend that you are leaving with me" he cut me off.

I stared at him. I was surprised he gave me that choice at least. I thought he was going to force me out without a choice. This on the other hand is much better. Everyone wins. I get to go home, Damien gets to take me, Matt would know and he wouldn't have to worry about me not being there and Damien being there.

"Okay" I chirped feeling satisfied.

We then rose the elevator down with  those two gaurds who was standing out of the door still there, they followed us. I blushed in embarrassment. What if if heard me moan and thought the wrong thing. I went closer to Damien feeling embarrassed, Damien on the other hand was unfazed. Once we reached ground floor there were more gaurds and even Josh was there.

Damien ordered them to get the vehicle read that they were leaving in five minutes. Even though he told this to Josh I knew it was directed towards me. He was only giving me five minutes to say say bye to Matt.

I walked towards the entrance of the party. When I realized Damien followed me, who dragged boud gaurds around him. 

"You don't have to follow me" I muttered. I knew that if I bought him along with me to speak to Matt, Matt would be freaking out rather than talking to me.

Without a reply he just followed me. I groaned in a unladen like manner realazing he wasn't going to budge and since people were watching I didn't want to make a fuss. As we entered the huge party hall I stopped  to spot Matt. By the time I spotted him I realised everyone in the room were looking at us. The music was playing but without a doubt the air was tensed. This is another reason why I didn't want him to follow me. He didnt care though, He was standing behind me without a care in the world. It was as it he was used to this. His bodyguards too didn't care.  Damien came closer to me from the back.

" don't call me by my name" Damien suddenly muttered sofly so that only I could hear him.

I pursed my lips and just nodded. I figured it's cuz if his work.

I walked towards Matt who also was looking at us. First he seemed looked relieved, then he looked anxious again. He was standing close to his parents.

When I reached him, him and his parents looked shocked and anxious. Not cuz I came. Oh no no... because of the scary dude following me. I wanted to quickly get this over with. I didn't like the attention I was getting and I didn't want poor Matt to be this stressed out.

"Hey Matt. I'm sorry for dissapearing  like that. I came to tell you that I would be leaving with him" I pointed at Damien giving Matt a bright smile to calm him down and reassure him.

"Um... okay." He was lost for words still looking everywhere but me.

"Mr Ascian its nice to meet you" Mr Tondersons came forward trying to shake Damiens hand. 

Damien ignored the hand and just nodded the his head. 

Damien treated Mr Tonderson as if he was some sort of pest. Mr Tonderson didn't seem to mind though cuz he started chirping about business.

" I have been trying to contact you... " and he kept on going.

"We are leaving, come" Damien announced out of the blue shutting Mr Tonderson up. Mr Tondersons face turned red. I felt so bad for him I wanted to glare at Damien but I felt it wouldn't have been appropriate to do so.

"Oh okay" I sounded a little disappointed. I looked at Matt one last time, and gave him a soft smile. Damiens hand cupped my back and tried to lead me away from them to the exit but as I turned and took a few steps with Damien a defeated voice called out to me,

"Rosalie" I looked back stopping Damien on his tracks. Damien didn't look back though. "Will you be okay?"

A few people gasped when he asked this. It was clear that everyone knew how dangerous Damien really is, and Matt implied it infront of everyone.

"I'll be fine don't worry" I assured him smiling at him. He then relaxed a bit.

" If you need me call me kay" he send with a assured smiled and tone.

Anyone in the room who heard this would have thoughts Matt was insulting Damien. It was like he basically told me, 'ah shit he is dangerous, are you sure he won't hurt you'. but to me  at that moment Matt was the bravest person who would go against someone like Damien for me.

I respecte and appreciate him for that.

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