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"Welcome to Camp Hogwarts," boomed Ms Burbage. "As some of you may already know, this camp is a great chance for you to meet other boys and girls before you go to our great school. Look around you...the person next to you may end up being Sorted into the same House as you. Your Houses will become your family while you are at Hogwarts," she announced.

The children all looked around at each other, some smiling nervously when they made eye contact. The blonde boy, Draco, looked around to see if there was anyone there he should possibly make an effort to befriend. His father had suggested several people who Draco hadn't met before that were children of men his father had business dealings with. He really hadn't wanted to come to this stupid camp but his mother had insisted it would be good for him. Draco thought his father would agree with him that it was a waste of time, but instead told him to use the time to cultivate necessary contacts.

He made eye contact with the boys at the back--Potter and Longbottom. His father hadn't mentioned them, but he knew both families were well known amongst the Sacred Twenty-Seven. He supposed he'd see how it panned out. Personally he thought they seemed pretty weak.

His gaze then shifted to the tiny red haired girl with the big mouth. He knew she must have done something to those muffins but couldn't figure out how she had done it without a wand. She was sly, that one, and completely unafraid. Despite that boy Greg being nearly double her size, she'd stood up to him. He'd have to keep an eye on her.

"Now, we are going to calmly step off the bus in an orderly fashion and you will go gather your bag. Please thank Mr Prang for driving us here, you will see him again on Sunday when he returns to take us home. Now, quickly and calmly, let us alight," announced Ms Burbage, and she hopped off the bus.

Of course, Greg and his friend Vince stood and tried to burst their way to the front, pushing people back into their seats. Draco took note that nobody protested, instead, letting them get away with it. Ms Burbage was already off the bus and hadn't seen anything.

"Prats, both of them."

Draco turned to see the red haired girl talking to the blonde one. He almost admired her gumption, instead he thought her a young fool to be so open. He thought her parents should have raised her better. He stood, content to alight from the bus in an orderly fashion.

"Come now, that's it," encouraged Ms Burbage, as Draco, the Potters, Neville, Ginny and Luna were the last to get off. "Now, go grab your bags and wait with the others. Then we'll walk up to the camp ground."

"Don't you have elves to take our belongings?" asked Draco, haughtily.

"No, Mr Malfoy, we do not. This is a hands-on camp. You will be expected to carry your own bags, make your beds in the morning and assist with general kitchen duties throughout the day, including helping prepare the daily meals," informed Ms Burbage.

Draco was outraged. "I've sure my parents had no idea about any of that when they signed me up for this camp. Wait till my father hears about this! You expect me to do manual labour?"

Ms Burbage smiled easily, used to the ways of spoilt children. "Perhaps that's why your parents signed you up for this camp," she suggested gently. "It might even make you appreciate your house elves when you return home." She then clapped her hands to gather the children's attention. "Let's all say goodbye to Mr Prang and we shall go to the campgrounds."

"Goodbye, Mr Prang," chorused most of the children. Draco, Vince, Greg and Theo ignored the man, dragging their bags along the ground.

"They do have wheels, you know," said Rose, as they went past her. "Here." She showed them how to pop the handle up and roll the bag, using her own luggage as an example.

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