𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1

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Tia's POV:

"Do I love him? Or is it just a crush?". Honestly, how did I even get here? Let me start from the beginning.

My name is Tia Luna Jones. I have blonde hair, green eyes and I'm 16. I got my middle name from my grandmother (from my mother's side) and my middle name from my aunt (from my mother's side).

I currently live with my aunt (from my father's side) because unfortunately, my mother died from an illness two days after I was born. When I was told this, I felt guilty for my mother's death. I still do. Apparently my father thought I was the reasoning behind my mother's passing too, so he left. He moved to the other side of the world, all because of me.

I'm so sorry, I went way too far! I guess I just have lots feelings and thoughts bubbled up. How about I start from this Summer? I was only 14 and my birthday was coming up. I moved in with my aunt and I was going to attend a new school. Again.

I honestly couldn't remember feeling happy for the last 14 years of my life, I thought being at Oakwood Academy would be the same. Boy, was I wrong! Surprisingly, everyone was very friendly and my teachers were super fun. I especially liked Ms. Diane because she let us talk for 5 minutes at the end of her lesson. I got to meet all my classmates and it al felt like High School Musical (minus the singing and dancing).

I met a girl named Sarah Co and she was one of the funniest people I have ever met! She had dark brown hair that was very shiny and her eyes were like pools of deep blue. We immediately became friends and she invited me to sit with all her other friends too. It was all great until I saw him.

He had dark red hair and he definitely worked out. I honestly felt intimidated when he walked towards my table with his group of friends and a girl with dyed rose gold hair. The girl glared at me with her piercing brown eyes. I could tell she didn't like me. She wrapped her arms around the boy's left arm and held him closely. I didn't know what to do so I continued to eat my lunch.

The boy with his gang stood in front of the table and he stared at me. He ushered his friends and the girl to go away and they did so. It was almost like he was a puppet master with them. I looked up to the boy and he put his mask off, leaned down and whispered in my ear: "Follow me. Now."

I looked at him with disbelief and he started to walk away towards the cafeteria's exit. Sarah looked very excited and she pointed towards the boy. I followed the boy until he led me to an empty classroom. I sat down on the table to my right and he continued to stand.

"Hi, I'm Chase. Chase Thomas." he took out his hand waiting for a shake. I reluctantly shook his hand and replied "I'm Tia Jones." We stared at each other for a while until I said: "Why did you bring me here? Just to introduce yourself?" He chuckled and he smiled at me. He had an extremely cute smile.

"I just wanted to get to know the new girl and classmate better without all the noise in the cafeteria. It can be a bit over whelming." I looked at him confused and took of my mask. Mr. Popular can't handle the heat? I couldn't help but feel a little sorry for him. "Oh, I see." He blushed. What was happening? Why is this boy so cute and sweet? I smiled at him and the bell rang.

We both realised our hands were still entwined and we both let go. "I'll see you in class." He winked at me and he walked towards his friends. My brain couldn't compute what had just happened and I just stood there. Did the most popular boy in school wink at me?!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2021 ⏰

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