rewind to 2010

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Camp crystal lake 2010, me and my partner was sent to investigate a mass murder as I pulled up in the parking lot I grabbed my camera. We walked to the 1st body my captain was there already. I took a photo of the body I proceeded to say about the victim "19 years old, addicted to drugs cocaine to be specific, left handed,not American British." All the people there was supprised by my analysis.

As the examination ended my partner and I returned to the car when we saw a figure move in the bushes. I drew my pistol ready to shoot If it goes to attack us. Lee(my partner) said it probably was an animal,at first I was sceptical but there was no other option of what it could be we drove off to the exit to see a masked man in front of us. I honked the horn to tell him to move but it didn't work all he did was turn to face us holding a machete in one hand and a head in another. we drew our pistols. Lee went out to arrest him but instead got his head punched off, I opened fire but to no use it was like foam darts to him so I hit the gas getting out of there

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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