His Call, His Command

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Clora pressed her back against the cool, abrasive wall of the coffee shop he worked at. Her dream guy. His cute smile, two dimples, blonde, blue eyes. He was a prince and god-damned cute! Christian! Jesus he was such a god!

She snuck into the store playing some unknown incognito game with herself just to surprise the boy.

She just wanted to ask him to one dinner. She knew he got off soon. Okay, so it sounded like she was stalking him...maybe she was just a little. He was adorable though, her dream guy. Okay lies, she dreams of a tall, dark, and handsome. BUT anyway, here she ways. Sitting at her usual table waiting for him to stroll to his stand and put his apron on the usual hook he did.

Once he did that she started her elaborate plan.

"Christian!" step one, summon him.

He turned for the source of the voice and looked dazed for a few seconds till he saw her grinning.

Instantly he winked and gave her a finger motioning her to wait.

She nodded and smiled harder.

"Clora!" he grinned down at her and ruffled her hair.

Now she appreciates the fact that she let out her business bun and changed out her business clothes for more casual clothes.

"Hey, Christian do you have like two minutes? I have a quick question." she tried to be less formal. She still used her secretary voice and she hated it. Stupid boss.

"Sure! I gotta hurry though." he said still grinning but now it was tight. He saw this coming.

She pulled up all cajones she had and said calmly again, "Would you be free tomorrow night for a date?"

His shocked face was enough for her to prepare her heart. Sure she wasn't in love but she had her hopes up. Just like the last seven men she has wished would beck her would just reject and return anything but the feelings she held for them.

"Clora, I'm gay." he said softly.

Ahh, that explained to her much. His sweet and light voice. His tight shirts with low neck lines. She had thought maybe he was occasionally trying new things. He. Was. Gay.

With her usual professional face she nodded at him, "Worth a shot, Mr.Teller." she said calmly

Sure she regretted fooling herself and making a fool of herself but she had tried.

"Wait, Clora." she snatched her hand from his grip.

Trying to maintain her cold exterior she always had.

"It really is fine, sir. Worry not." she shook his hand and stood aways bending slightly in courtesy. "Bye, Mr.Teller."

Depressed, slightly self-detached, she faced the truth.

"I, Clora Tamptin Smith, am not attractive enough for a damned person in this world." she rushed the couple blocks she had to walk to get there and frowned the whole way. She barely noticed the crease on her forehead till she glanced at herself in the mirror. "Smile though, Clora, you have to look forward to in the morning."

Grimacing she rushed into her bathroom and stripped to nothing needing to bath.

Only a good few hours till she went back to work.

Working for Mr.Cameron Damon Holt.

Damn it.

She cursed quietly and glared at the water she simmered in.

"I'd rather be else where. Maybe with Christian, gay or not, he was good company." she frowned thinking of the reflection again.

"Gah!" she grumbled and sunk all but her nose and eyes into the water wishing to wash the troubles gone.

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