The boy that stoll my heart❤

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Hi I'm meadow and I'm telling you about a point of my life where I was for the first time in a long time well happy. It all started like this.

It's the last week of summer and I am doing what I do every day, sitting on my bed and righting in my diary. But I saw something out side a truck? "meadow can you go next door to the new nabbers and bring them this basket " my mom said "ya what ever" I said back to her. DING DING "hello" a boy said wile swinging the door open. "Umm. hi I'm meadow my mom wanted me to bring you this basket"
"Oh well thank you"

Meadows pov

He is so hot omg his hair and when he answered the door his eyes sparkled.

End of pov

Sam pov

When I opened the door I saw the most gorges girl in the world she hade a wight crop top that says Hollywood on it, wight high wasted shorts. She hade a perfect body figure.

End of pov

"Do you wanna step in for a little" he
asked me "umm ok" I said a little bit pshy "so what kind of stuff are you into" he asked "um well I love singing that is about it I guess. I am not a vary interesting person" "I think your a pretty cool person'' he said wile his rosie cheeks got rosier. I kinda blushed but not too much. "Um my name is sam by the way" he said "oh ya I'm meadow'' I said kinda stuttering "that's a nice name" he said wile blushing some more "me and some of my friends are going out tonight do you wanna come with us" he asked me "um ya ok I will"

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