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My scars you see

Disgust you

Make you judge me

But what would you do if you could see

How many scars truly lay on me

My life, my heart, one big scar

To lay me down and judge me

When you haven't felt

The abandonment, fear


That I've endured this far

You don't know my story

Yet you tell me how I am

Emo, weird, freak

Labeling, branding me before them all

Without knowing a thing about me

How can you even think

You can make that start

'Cause my scars disgust you

They are badges of what I've been through

Because I'm different

Well at least I'm not like you

So shoot away

See what I care

Because it doesn't better you

And I always knew

No one could handle the truth

Because you judge with no knowledge

And knowledge is basis

So your judgement is mere stupidity to me

So judge away

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