chapter one

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rachel was a normal 10th grader at St.Markus. she was the topper kind and not very popular. infact only a few students of her class were the only ones who new her. she didnt really have any friends, apart from her mother. new york was a new place for her and her mother. they were just confused about what to do.
her parents had recently gone through a separation and her mother got the custody because her dad didnt want it.
he was a selfish and self ccentered moron. he never loved rachel and neither her mother. and when his profits in bussiness started to fall he blamed them for his failures and divorced her mother.
thus they shifted from Virginia to New York where her grand mother lived.
Rachel had visited the place before but didnt really have any friends. she was quite introvert and so had no friends in school or the city even after 4 months.
she was afraid that she might be ditched again because after the divorce it was know that her father secretly had an affair with his secretaryand married her a month later.
her mother was heartbroken and Rachel knew that even though her mom didnt tell her.
rachel's faith and believe over love had vanished and she hated the existence of it around her.
she could never fall in love with anyone and she knew it.
her parents had a love marriage and in the start her mother told her that it was like a dream , her father had been the best husband once but that was long ago now he was the worst person in her life. he had ruined their lives so the way he was once really didnt matter .
Rachel hated her father perhaps the most in the wolrd. she knew very well that how much her mother had loved him and that she can never be happy again. and if her mother wasn't happy how could she even think of being happy
she couldnt leave her mother in this menice of life. she had to be with her mother and give her that little happiness that she could. she had to stay with her. she couldmt leave uer mother for who could never love her as much as her mother.
She just couldn't...................

hey readers! this is Prishita and this was the first chapter of my first book so pls don't mind the mistakes! hope you liked it ! thank you for reading and I promise I will make you wanna read more!!!

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