Mistaken Identidy

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I have an, announce to make, dad said, as we all sat down to have dinner. ‘Tayce you are adopted,’ He said cheerfully. I drop to the ground screaming, I wipe the stream of tears of my face. I run to my room, I lay there thinking how could they do this to me? Who are my real parents? Are they alive? All these questions had to be answered; I decided I was going back out side.

'Mum.' I whispered

'Yes, lovely' she replied.

'Who are my real parents?'

'Well, your mum lives’ in Holmes Chapel in Cheshire, England. And well for your dad we don’t know where he went.'



'Who are my real parents?'

'Your mother is Anne Cox and your father is John Cox, but they split when you were young and neither of them could look after you so they asked us to look after you for them. Your mother now lives with a man called Robin Twis he is your step dad.'

I walked slowly back into my room, thinking about all that has just been said. I walk over to my mac and type into google search bar: Anne Cox. All of a sudden there pages appear with Harry Styles mother. So i decided to search Harry Styles in the search bar. I stopped for a second when i read who he was, i couldn't believe it. I just didn't think that this was even remotly possible. My brother is an internation pop star.

I feel asleep that night and wondered if i should pack my bags and catch the next flight out of this life of lies or carry on with my normal life like nothing ever happened.

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