𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨: 𝐸𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑆𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑒

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" If I say it loud, would it make it real ?

And if you go now, would I feel anything? "

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And if you go now, would I feel anything? "

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In this world and within the people living in it, there are many different types of connections. 

Some are platonic and some are romantic, some are shallow, barely there, and fleeting, and some others are far more developed, unique, and everlasting; those former ones are the connections that you'd be extremely lucky to find, those that happen to very few individuals.

A one in a million.

Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase had one of those "one in a million" types of connection, romantic or platonic, we are yet to fully know. Matter of fact is, whatever is that they have, will make anyone wishful,  jealous, insecure. Their connection could, and most likely would, make anyone doubt their position in the life of either hero.

It made me insecure.

Can I truly blame them? no, not really.

Right now you are probably asking yourself who am I to feel this way about the infamous duo. Well, I'm Percy Jackson's girlfriend, soon to be nothing more than just another person in Percy's story.

Being the girlfriend of the "hero of Olympus" was never hard, Percy is the definition of prince charming afterall; his one and only downside was his connection with Annabeth.

But once again, is their connection an inherently bad thing? and are they to blame for someone else's insecurities? absolutely not, and anyone in the life of the two heroes should be grateful the daughter of Athena and the son of Poseidon have each other. They were, at more times than I wish would have been, each other's saving grace. And I am grateful for that.

And that being said, I beg of you not to misunderstand what I'm trying to say.

I would never meddle with their relationship, they have gone through so much together, and as hard that pill is to swallow, it is something I had to understand and come to terms with.

Leaving my insecurities behind, my relationship with Percy was perfect, but perfection never lasts, and it does most likely not even exist.

I was just thriving in bliss, pretending none of the signs I saw truly existed, everything was perfect. It had to be.

I had nothing to complain about, my lover was a true gentleman, a pillar, a safetynet for me and everybody else that needed one. He cared for me, he loved me, and that was all I needed.

Safe to say, my little piece of heaven didn't last nearly as much as I wanted it to; something shifted, and suddenly nothing felt the same.

Thriving in bliss didn't seem so rewarding anymore.

The rose-tinted glasses from which I saw the world ever since the son of Poseidon came into my life shattered, and suddenly everything looked misplaced and far duller than ever before.

A relationship like ours was meant to be between two people, and my own seemed to be accompanied by a third.

And as much as it hurt, it was time I accepted that perhaps I was the undesired third.

The blindfold I willingly put on fell down

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" If you let me go, will you let me know?

 And if we leave it here, are we letting go? "

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And if we leave it here, are we letting go? "

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1. The characters in the Percy Jackson saga and the events leading up to this book all belong to Rick Riordan. Of my ownership are only the new characters introduced and their respective plots.

2. This story is a semi-AU, by this, I mean that even if the story is based on the books, it will not take place at the same time. Therefore, this book takes place after the events in "The Blood of Olympus."
Also, in this story, the events of "The Trials of Apollo" don't happen (I can't live happily knowing that Jason dies). The age of the characters has also been modified in order to fit more with the plot. The characters are 2 years older than in the original books.

3. This is one of the first books I wrote, and in addition to that English is not my first language, so there are probably going to be some grammatical problems, for which I apologize in advance.

4. The images used in the edits do not belong to me, most were found on Pinterest.

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