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              First impressions are usually the wrong impression, yet it is that first time you meet someone that stays embedded into your mind. You judge them based solely on that one moment that you were introduced to them. The only cure to this ‘first impression’ is to continuously see this person and learn things about them. You’ll often find that your original thought was completely contradicting.

                Of course, I’ve learned this at a young age. It was an observation that I’ve made with the various private tutors that taught me when I was younger. The few that I assumed would be preppy and fun, turned out to be careless and simply annoying. While the serious and poorly dressed were educated, responsible and for the most part: interesting. I was eleven years old when I had concluded this.

                Excited about my ‘discovery’, I explained it in full detail to one of my more interesting tutors. He smiled at me that day, seemingly proud. He claimed that I had learned what people hadn’t learned in their adult years: “not to judge a book by its cover”. I believed him then, but that was due to my lack of experience. No, he hadn’t lied to me. To him, he believed it to be the full honest truth. To me, I knew the real truth.

                It is human nature to judge someone based on their appearance. Honestly, I still do it myself. Yet, the difference between my judgment and others’ judgment is that I recognize that mine are usually incorrect. This normally results in pushing my initial judgment to the side, leaving my mind slightly more open in accepting the truth.

                Now, why did I spend all this time explaining this to you?

                Recently, someone in school has assumed the worst of me.


                Her first impression of me wasn’t necessarily a good impression. Normally, people believe only her side of the story, because in her mind, it’s the truth. Her story has been published in so many different versions that it’s been driving me crazy. Some people have even put a fantastical twist in it. Clever, yet extremely frustrating.

                I’m always considered the antagonist in each and every one of these stories. Rarely anyone has given my side any empathy. Just imagine being the villain in so many different stories. It was interesting at first, but now, I can’t take it.

                This is my side of the story. Chew it, swallow it, and digest it. The truth is finally getting out.

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