The Ick : Strike 1 Can you survive?

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It's a cold, Saturday morning, the air was crisp and you feel quite nauseas, and sick inside. You're meeting a boy that you met online, he's one year younger than you, you felt like you were baby sitting him. You see him in the distance, he's clearly lost and can't find you, he stands like a stupid, dumb, lousy sloth. His feet are turned out and he keeps looking down at his phone and looking up, pulling a confused face, his face is all scrunched up, and wrinkly.
Finally, he sees you in the distance, it's an awkward distance, too slow to walk, too strange to run. he walks and every now and again does a weird jog, every time he jogs he starts smiling, he looks like a red faced snotty dog running up to you for a treat. He trips, stumbles, he doesn't fall over though, his face flushed a pinky, red colour, he stiffly walks over to you. As he says "hi" he tries to put on a cute baby voice and his voice just cracks. He makes a reservation to take you to a drinks parlour, you walk there and he keeps getting lost. Once you're there, he orders a really gross drink. He goes to pay, he shoves his bag off one shoulder and it falls awkwardly and it's stuck on his wrist, he crouches weirdly and fiddles around his bag that smells like bogies with his cheesy fingers to find his money. He unzips his bag an shifts his body at angles so he can unzip his bag, Once he found his money, he dropped a coin. The coin spins on the floor, he tries to stomp on it to stop it and he missed, he stomped on it again but just kicked it further, he gets on all fours and crawls, stumbling across the room to pick up the penny, as he swiftly jumps back up, he BANGS his head on the underneath of the paying check out. It makes a gross bonk noise, he goes bright red, he's so angry and frustrated, he's rubbing the top of his head. You also notice he has a bogie on his back. He looks like a dumb dog trying to read the reservation as he realises he booked the wrong one. You have to drink outside instead. His shrivelled up raisin lips look like a cats bum hole as they tense and envelope the moist, damp paper straw. As he pulls away, it leaves a stringy line of saliva, that globs on his chin and he sucks it back up. The straw was obviously chewed on. It begins to get really windy, his eyes go bulgy and slim in the wind, the wind blows his hair to one side revealing his cold, red, cheesy ears. He keeps asking you if you like your drink even though you've said yes 10 times. You told your mum you were meeting just a friend, he offers to walk you to where your mum is picking you up and you keep trying to tell him he can go. He keeps saying "no babe don't worry about me i'll stay" in a baby voice. Like?? No?? I wasn't worried about you. Freak fuck off. You obviously don't say that. You try usher him away as you see your mums car pulling up, he won't leave. You just run away from him and run in opposite direction, you don't look back, you're so grossed out. You tell your mum you couldn't find the car park and get her to pick you up somewhere else. She's picked you up, and you're on your way home. The boy floods your phone with messages. You just block him. BLOCKED! THE . END . Never again. Never again freak. Die loser. Cease. Cow. Loser.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2021 ⏰

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