Chapter 5*

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I walked at a steady pace towards my gym class, my thoughts focused on what had happened earlier today. Why had Vic sat with me instead of sitting with his goons? I was sure he was just trying to win me over as a friend to humiliate me once he was sure I trusted him. That's the only logical thought that I could think of. My thoughts were suddenly put on hold when I felt a familiar feeling in my throat and stomach. I went towards the nearest restroom. The moment I was in a stall I let whatever I had eaten out. A few moments later the flow of stopped and soon did my dry heaving. I guess it was good that I hadn't eaten much today. 

I flushed the toilet without even a glance inside the bowl, it would just make me want to barf more. I cleaned the substance from my mouth while I stood up. This was the second time today I had barfed. I frown, trying to think what could have caused this. Maybe I ate something bad? I push away the thought quickly when I realized I most likely hadn't. If it didn't stop within a few days I would have to figure out a way to get to the doctor's office, or something.

I quickly dismissed the thought of going to the doctor, though. It meant that I'd have to deal with needles and all of those weird machines. I hated hospitals or any type of medical office in general. They'll judge you based on what you do, and what they diagnose you with.  If they see my scars they'll know how fucked up I am and they'd probably force me to get help.  

I didn't want anyone to know anything about me. I couldn't get close to anyone, and I couldn't just rat my dad out. I'd be forced off into an orphanage or a foster home. I could not handle that. I couldn't handle strangers bringing their attention to me. I didn't deserve it.  

I'd rather be his punching bag than have unwanted attention. 

- - -

The last two classes of the day went by okay. Nothing major happened, and Vic wasn't in the class I had him with. I thought nothing of it, I was just glad that I didn't have to deal with him anymore today. I currently was walking home from school. It wasn't a long walk to my home, just a few blocks that would take 15-20 minutes minimum. My father would expect me home by 4:00 P.M., that was if he hadn't lost his job. I would think he had not got himself fired just yet, but he's unpredictable.  

He's always jumping from job to job, not settling on one ever since we started moving from place to place. I had grown used to it, not finding it too surprising when he moved to a different job nowadays. Whenever he did move jobs it took him about a week to get ahold of a new job.  If I was lucky it'd be a job within town if not, well it'd be somewhere in another town and we'd have to move again. 

I don't think I'd have to worry about that for a while, though. I am again removed from my thoughts when a black, 1969, Dodge Charger slowed to my walking pace next to me. I glanced at the car, seeing that the driver was Vic's brother, Mike Fuentes. 

"Hey, need a lift home?" Mike asked, his window was rolled down. 

I looked at him, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. Why were the Fuentes' brothers being so nice to me? Was it because what Vic had seen in the bathroom? Had he told his brother about that? Or maybe his brother was actually a decent soul and kindhearted? I glanced at Mike then back towards where I was walking. Had Vic told him? I wondered again.

I was going to deny his offer, but I just noticed that it had started to rain.  It was more of a drizzle, but I knew it would get worse.  

"S-sure." I muttered, Mike motioned for me to get in the passenger seat. 

After telling him where I lived, he began driving there. I looked out the window, watching the rain droplets hit the window then glide smoothly to the right. I'd break my focus away from the droplets every so often, just so I could look at the surrounding area of the neighborhoods. 

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