Amy Coney took a deep breath as she peaked out of her train window.  It would only be minutes until her arrival in York New City, where she planned to join the city committee.  She day dreamed of her new life in the big city until she felt a sudden jolt and saw all the people surrounding her rise from their seats.  She took her suitcase and stood tall and she walked off the train and walked aimlessly through the towering buildings.  She felt the spring breeze on her dainty legs and decided she should begin to head in the direction of her new apartment.

She stood in the lobby of her new complex waiting for the lady at the front desk to finish sorting her paperwork and finally give her the keys.  She picked the black nail polish off her nails and reminisce about the girl she used to be.  She thought about how she left her emo screamo band behind, but quickly shook the thought from her mind.  Amy knew that she was making the right choice; it was her dream to work in politics since she was a young girl.  Finally the lady handed her the key and she walked down the hall to the elevator.  The long  hallway was much more blander than she had expected, the walls painted an off white with a grey carpet.  Every few feet was dotted with a door and about halfway down the hall was the elevator.

"What a hassle", she thought to herself.

She pressed the button to take her to the 8th floor and waited, and waited and waited.  Finally the doors opened, revealing a man her age on the other side.  She only got a glimpse of him of sheesh was he cute!  Amy, flustered, got out of the elevator and walked down the hall to her apartment.  Boxes of her furniture stood piled neatly outside the apartment and she began to slowly bring them in.

The sun had set by the time she unpacked all her goods.  She sighed in relief as she changed from her preppy clothes into her pajamas and slid into bed.  She thought about all the tasks she'd have to do tomorrow as she fell asleep.


Amy, a studious girl, was already heading out by 7:00 am.  She took one final check in the mirror as she was putting on her flats.  She wore a red blazer and blue skirt that reached her knees.

"Oh my goodness", she thought to herself "I look like a bloody Frenchie".
It was bold for her taste but her only nice clothes that didn't need dry cleaning.  Amy's face turned white and she quickly but her hand over her mouth.
"I have to watch my tongue's not the same here as it is at home."  She reminded herself, and she was quickly out the door.

As Amy reached the ground floor, she saw the same man she did the afternoon before.  The two made eye contact.  She could see him better now.  His skin was so pale and had deep brown eyes.  His black hair was scruffy but simultaneously well kept.  He wore a black business suit and had bobbin emerald earrings.  When he waved at her, Amy's heart skipped a beat.  Her fingers curled around her suitcase as she smiled back at him.

And like that, their paths together have crossed and ended.  Although Amy was momentarily star struck by the experience, it barely crossed her mind as her day went on.

Amy made her way into city hall and waited patiently to speak with the city clerk.  She peeked through her briefcase checking that she brought all the necessary documents.  She clicked her heels and touched up her light makeup when her name was called.  A man appeared.
"And you're here for?"  He questioned.

"I want to see the city clerk, I'm running for city council."  She replied as she stood up and smiled.

The man groaned as he rolled his eyes.
"Maybe if you ladies spent less time worrying about your appearance you'd be treated more seriously."  He said under his breath, but still loud enough for Amy to hear.

She stopped in her tracks.
"You heard what I said little girl, better for you to go running off home and just don't involve yourself in politics.  You clearly care more about your looks, which isn't even doing anything because you still look horrendous."  He said now loud enough for everyone to hear.

Amy kicked him in the balls and roundhoused him in the ribs, which sent his fatass flying to the ground.  There was a loud thud as the paintings hung to the ground shook from the pressure and velocity of such a meaty man hitting the ground at such an incredible speed.  She stepped on his nuts and twisted her foot, which remained atop his nut.  She would later go home and beat herself up for not wearing heels that day.  The people in the waiting room stood speechless as they looked at her; some in fear, but most in awe.

She grabbed him by the collar, although it was hard to reach due to his abnormally large amount of fat spilling over it.  She managed though, and raised his head to hers.  Below the enormous glob of fat which was his body, was a cosmically large and deep dent.  Her cheerful impression turned grim.
"Listen here you obese hippopotamus fatass.  Don't you ever, and I mean ever, talk to a young lady like that.  Never talk like that to ANYONE!"

She helped him back up, quite a grueling task on her part.  Once the fatty was up, she body slammed him back into the vinyl floors.  This caused him to make a dent deep enough for him to fall through.  Five seconds passed before she heard an ear-wrenching thud and a groan following.
"Oh my goodness."  A woman said and she ran from her seat to the gargamchous whole in the floor.

"Is he okay?"  She asked.
"Oh please, he's so fat he'd survive a fall five times larger.

Amy ran her fingers through her hair and straightened out her clothes as she walked down the hallway until she saw a door that read "city clerk".  She knocked on the door until she heard a male voice say, "come in".

"And what would you be here for today?" He asked and he clicked away on his computer.

"I want to run for city council" She replied.
"Oh ok, what position are you running for?"

"City attorney."
"I'll just need to see your documents, and I need you to fill out this paperwork."  He told her, holding out a hand of paper.

By the time Amy had finished, there had grown quite a crowd, and some paparazzi it appeared.  She grabbed one of the unoccupied chairs of the waiting room and climbed upon it.
"Remember my name", she announced.  "Amy Coney Barrett.  One day, I'll be big."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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