That Call

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Sometimes, something happens with someone that some kind of innate feeling is born deep somewhere inside the very untouched corner of the heart and in some sense revolutionizes the plethora of emotions. "Bro, you should wear this perfume too and now you are all set, yes, do ask her for dinner", said his best friend and slipped two notes of ₹500 into his pocket despite being denied of doing so. Finally he was all set to go, yes, he was going to buy some equipment for his final year project and he was accompanied by one of his batch mates, who was not just a batch mate but someone whose little glimpse could make him numb. For more than three and a half years, she had been the first thing he wanted to see while attending his classes and in one sense the reason behind his 75% attendance. And that strong feeling whenever he saw her, he would become choked with emotions and and he could feel his heart in his mouth. For the past two days he was not able to complete his sleep, finish his meals and doing nothing but thinking about her, like how should he dressed up should he wear a blue shirt or that black t-shirt with a watch would be fine, whether she would like it, the conversation they were going to have, what he should ask her, should he be more talkative or would he even be able to talk,.... Finally he was all ready to go and he received a call, he checked his phone and it displayed her name. In a sudden, a wide smile came on his face, he could count his heart beats with the ticking sound of the clock hung there in a tilted position on one of the walls of his little room. He muttered his courage, received the call and brought his phone close to the left ear to hear the most beautiful voice of the universe. She asked him if he could wait for 15 more minutes, though he was so impatiently waiting for her to come that he could hardly spare even a fraction of a second to be with her but he was surely left with no option so he replied with a yes.

He was waiting at the main gate of his college and with each second, his nervousness went high, he started rubbing his palms, setting his hairs, setting his watch but was surely failing in his attempts. He was trying to stay calm and composed and was talking endlessly to himself and suddenly came a voice that made everything still. She was indeed very beautiful but this time without specs she was looking like anything, moreover the definition of beauty to him. "Hi, should we leave?" she asked. "Hi" he replied in a firm tone and nodded his head. They took an auto and both sat opposite to each other. They exchanged their conversation a bit but could not talk much. He wanted to talk to her timelessly and ask her everything but was a bit uncomfortable in front of others. She was looking for something in her phone and he was not missing a chance to look at her. The sweet evening wind blew into her hair like it was playing with her. She lifted her head, smiled at him and then she set her hair behind her right ear in a way saying to them "you dare not cross the boundary line the next time". 

With moments of excitement sometimes do come the sense of nervosity. Whenever he felt like initiating a new conversation he was scratching his forehead with his index finger but mostly he was left clueless. With few "wow(s), nice(s)", some "and(s), then(s)", lots of eye blink and a handshake, the moment went on and they reached the store. In an hour they were availed all the equipment, so they made the payment and were promised for the delivery in a day or two. He was feeling very pleased to be with her and to him it was like the happiest moment that could ever happen to him. They left the store and now they had to take an auto. He was willing to go anywhere with her except returning back to college. His heartbeat, his conscience, the words of his best friend and the beautiful sunset were appealing to him to ask her to stay. Leaving behind all the doubts and all the disagreement between his mind and his heart, he asked her if they could go to an ice cream shop. "Strawberry" she replied. Finally they had their ice-cream and now they were heading back to the college so they took an auto but this time they were more friendly and shared some laughter together. He was trying to be normal and thankful for this moment but something was still to happen, to create a moment for him so memorable that would surely bring a smile whenever he would think of it. 

On their way back to college it started raining, which he thought would be over in sometime but somethings are beyond our prediction and beyond our control. They reached the main gate of college and it was still raining so he called his friend and asked him to bring two umbrellas for them. They smiled at each other and waited for sometime. She looked at the sky in a way praying for the rain to stop and he was smiling in himself thinking of that very moment he was living. One more lightning in the sky and appeared his friend coming for him. As he approached to them he handed him only one umbrella and left. He thought his friend would wait for him but he didn't. He called him twice but he didn't turn back. It seemed like he was also playing his part for that wonderful incident to happen. As there was only one umbrella, she asked him to take take that umbrella with him and that she would go by herself. But how could he let her do that so he insisted her to take that umbrella with her and told her to return it later. You know that lion attitude that automatically comes to boys in these situations. He even handed that umbrella to her was about to leave but again came that sweet voice to stop him. She this time, asked him to accompany her to her hostel and he agreed. He hold the umbrella tightly, slightly shifting it to her side and kept on asking if she was comfortable, she again smiled and they looked first at each other and then sideways. They kept on walking and now they were hardly 50 yards away from the girls' hostel. So they stopped and then she thanked him and said "it was a nice day". "Indeed", he replied and insisted her to take that umbrella with her for that very distance, which she humbly denied. It's truly said that when you have a lot to say and a lot to hear but find it difficult for your words to do the same for you, just stay silent and let the eyes talk. He looked into her eyes and observed the utmost silence for sometime then they both bid adieu to each other and took opposite ways to their hostels.

Though there was an umbrella but it was raining on both of them, yes he did not put up the umbrella and was welcoming the rain on his face and all over his body. I do not know why he did that or what should we call this act of him but there are some purest feelings which arises only for some very unique people and which are beyond any name.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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