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It has taken a great deal of effort to bring to mind those things that once occupied my daily life but have since become a collection of distant and vague memories. It is, I suppose, the appanage of time to make men forget the great adventures that have shaped their lives and helped pave the way to their present. It is only now, through fear of forgetfulness, that I sit down to write this account of his time in office for the next generation of Greys to read and hold dear.

It is though, with a deep sense of foreboding, that I embark on this undertaking, for enclosed in this journal are a collection of secrets that will amaze any person who should have the opportunity to read them. Nevertheless, it is my duty to document his life for his successors, and I shall proceed with care and be mindful of those details that I can freely commit to paper.

I write this account in the hope that future generations may have the insight and knowledge to solve the deeper mystery at the heart of this tale.


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