Version 2

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Misha was carefully arranging the various types of body jewlery in the large glass case at the front of the tattoo and piercing shop he and Jared owned together. Jared was in the back, cleaning the tattoo machines. 10 minutes later, Jared came out to the front of the shop to talk to Misha.  Jared is a very large man, not only tall, but very muscular. He is also heavily tattooed and pierced. Misha is slightly smaller in comparison, but is also over the 6'0 mark. Misha only has piercings, but they are in every imaginable place on his body. Jared and Misha had opened this shop a few months ago and they have been very successful. "Hey Misha, I feel like such a douchebag asking you this at such short notice, and feel free to say no, I'll totally understand, but I got a date tonight, and I needed someone to watch my brother. Our uncle always watches him but he's outta town until next week, and I don't have any other options dude." Misha stood there in silence. He didn't even know that Jared had a brother. When he processed what Jared had just said, he replied, "Sure man no problem. I'm always happy to help out." Jared let out a relieved sigh. "Thanks so much Mish. You have no idea how much this helps me out." Misha had a few questions about Jared's brother, but he didn't want to come off as nosy, so he made sure that he phrased his sentences in the most harmless way possible. "So, how much of an age difference is there between you and your brother?" Misha asked casually. "4 years" Jared replied. "So he's 20?..." Misha asked suspiciously. "No, he's 28." Jared replied. Misha was hoping for an explanation, and luckily Jared quickly supplied one. "My brother has severe developmental disabilities, so he needs to be cared for 24/7. When I'm at work, he goes to an adult rehabilitation center, because I can't afford an in-home nurse just yet. In a few months I should be able to, but this is my only option right now." Jared explained to Misha. "I see" Misha said and nodded slowly. "You still up to it?" Jared asked. "Of course!" Misha replied. He was secretly very nervous, but he tried to keep his tone even and calm. "I have to warn you though, sometimes he can be a little difficult to deal with. He's basically just a big 2 year old, he's completely harmless." Jared said sincerely. "So what time should I be over? " Misha asked. "Around 7. He get very nervous around new people, so I wanna give him some time to warm up to you before I go, and I also have a lot of information on how to care for him to go over with you."  "Of course" Misha replied. "Now go finish up back there so we can close up! You need to get all pretty for your date!" Misha joked. Jared turned and walked down the hall, giving Misha the finger as he went down the long corridor.


Misha arrived at Jared's appartment at 7 o'clock sharp. He knocked on the door, and Jared quickly answered. "Hey man! I'm so glad your here!" Jared pulled him into a hug. Misha hugged back. "So, are you ready to meet Jensen?" Jared asked. "Of course" Misha said. At that moment, Misha saw a man, a little larger than himself, round the corner and hide closely behind Jared's back. Jensen had his forearms resting on Jared's back, and his head ducked inbetween them. Misha thought it was incredible how small Jensen made himself look. "Speaking of Jensen..." Jared said, turning around to reveal his brother. Jensen let out a strangled cry, and clung to Jared even tighter, burying his head into Jared's large shoulder. "Hey buddy, what's the matter?" Jared tried to calm the frightened man. Jared had said that Jensen was shy, but Misha never knew that it was this bad. "Jensen," Jared continued, talking as if he were trying to reassure a small child, "I need to go out for a little tonight, remember? We talked about this earlier. I'm gonna have Misha stay here with you. He's a really nice guy, you'll like him a lot." Jared said with warmness in his tone. Misha looked at the way Jensen was clinging to Jared, and he was afraid that he wouldn't be prepared for tonight. "ummm... Hi Jensen, I'm Misha" said Misha, trying to match Jared's soothing tone. After a few seconds, Jensen's grip on Jared loosend, and he turned his head so he could get a better look at Misha. Jensen noticed that Misha had a lot of shiny things on his face, just like Jared. Misha had no colorings like his brother though. Misha also got a better look at Jensen. He saw a man, slightest ly shorter than Jared, wearing baggy grey sweatpants, and a batman t shirt. His hair looked damp, like he recently took a bath. Misha smiled at Jensen, and Jensen acknowleged his gesture, and then he quicly adverted his eyes to the floor. Jared looked at his watch, and said, "I gotta be there at 8:00 so we should get started." Jared led Jensen over to the sofa, sat him down, and then crouched down so he was in Jensen's line of sight. "Jen, I am going to be in the kitchen with Misha. If you need anything, just call for me, okay?" Jensen's eyes  flicked to the wall behind Jared's head, and Jared took that as an okay. Jared stood up, and motioned towards Misha to follow him to the kitchen. Once they were both through the door way, Jared said to Misha, "So I'll just give you an overview of what you have to do, and then you can ask questions?" Misha nodded and said, "sounds good." Jared began, "Like I said earlier, he is a lot like a young child, mentally and coordination wise. He has a lot of tantrums over the littlest things, but he has been good today, although I don't know how he is going to react to you being here. Incase he does have a trantrum, just stay with him until he calms down, and make sure he doesn't hurt himself. He is also...incontinent... so he has to wear diapers 24/7. I changed him about 15 minutes ago, but he will need to be changed again before I get back." "Are you gonna be okay with that?" Jared asked Misha. Misha responded, "Yes." "Ok, great" Jared continued. "all of the supplies are in his room, which is the second door on the right upstairs, you'll be able to find them. He will probably put up a small fight, but it's nothing you can't handle. He won't tell you he needs to be changed, so check about every 30 minutes. He will most likely just watch TV, and but make sure you put him to bed at 10 o'clock. At around 9 he can have the small snack that is in the fridge." Misha was overwhelmed by all of the information. "any questions?" Jared asked. "Nope, I think I got it." Misha replied. "Great man, thank you so much again"  Jared said, pulling Misha into a hug. "Alright let's go see Jensen. He doesn't like it when I leave, so you will have to distract him" Jared said to Misha. "Alright" Misha replied. He was getting nervous again.

"Jensen?" Jared said, walked over to his brother, and crouched down in front of him like before. "I have to go buddy but Misha is gonna stay with you. I'll be home when you wake up. Be a good boy for Misha." Jared said in a soothing tone. Jensen's eyes started to water, and he started whimpering and reaching towards Jared. Jared hugged him and then stood up. Jared turned towards Misha and said, "bye Mish. See you later" and then walked out the door.


Jensen was still sitting on the sofa when Misha heard Jared start his car. Misha was distracted by his thoughts when he heard Jensen sobbing. He quickly made his way to the sofa and crouched down infront of Jensen like he saw Jared do. Jensen looked at Misha, still sobbing, and gasping for air. Jensen struggled to stand from the couch, and he slowly made his way to the window, Misha following closely behind. When Jensen got the window, he dropped to the floor, and laid down on his back, and his cries increased. Misha knelt by him, unsure of what to do, Jensen cried for about 5 minutes before he calmed down. Misha saw this as his oppertunity to see if Jensen needed to be changed . When Misha was helping Jensen off of the floor, he quickly checked to see if Jensen used his diaper. After discovering he didn't, Misha led Jensen back to the sofa and sat him down. "Do you want to watch tv Jensen?" Misha asked the timid man. Jensen just rearranged himslef to a more comfortable position on the sofa, so Misha assumed it was wak okay to turn the tv on. He switched the channel to some old re run station, and they sat in comfortable silence. After about a half an hour, Misha looked over at Jensen who was squirming in his spot on the sofa. Misha scooted over and checked if his diaper needed to be changed, which it did. "Jensen, I need to change you." After a few seconds, Misha held Jensen's hand started walking up the small staircase towards Jensen's room. Misha led Jensen over to his bed, and got him to sit down. When Misha turned around to get the changing supplies, Jensen walked over to the far corner and sat down, putting his head between his knees and arms over his head. Misha noticed Jensen in the corner, and decided on letting him stay there until he gathered all the necessary supplies. Just as Jared had said, The supplies were all on a small wooden dresser next to Jensen's bed. Misha unrolled the changing mat onto the bed, and found a spare diaper, diaper cream, and powder. The next part was getting Jesnen on the mat. Misha walked over to the corner, and gently placed his hand on Jensen's back, causing the man the startle slightly. Jensen picked his head up, and Misha said to him, "Jensen, I need to change you now, can you go on your bed please?" Jensen got up with help from Misha, and walked towards the bed. He sat down on the chaging mat, and looked up at Misha with wide eyes. "Lean back for me buddy" Misha said to Jensen while gently helping him lay back, supporting his head. Tears started to run down Jensen's face as Misha started to take Jensen's pants off. Jensen was crying and making noises of distress, and Misha did not know how to comfort him. It made his heart ache. Misha got Jensen's pants off, and looked down at the crying man in the soiled diaper. Misha went to undo one side of Jensen's diaper, and Jensen let out a shrill cry, and tried to push Misha's hands away. "Come on Jensen, you gotta let me do this" Misha said gently. Jensen started to cry even harder, and Misha thought that he would never get him to calm down. Misha just rubbed Jensen's stomach in small, soothing circles and shushed him quietly. After a few minutes, Jensen seemed to relax a little bit. Misha tried to undo the tab again, and Jensen let him. Misha then undid the other tab, and lifted Jensen's legs in the air, so they were spread and bent at the knee. Misha quickly looked up at Jensen, and saw the man gnawing on his fingers contentedly, his tears since stopped. Misha peeled down the front of the diaper, and lifted Jensen's bottom up so he could get the soiled diaper out from underneath him. Misha quickly placed a clean diaper under Jensen's bottom, and began cleaning him with the wipes. After he was all clean, Misha put the diaper cream and powder on the distracted man. Doing the tabs up, and putting Jensen's sweatpants back on, Misha deemed this diaper change a success.

"Alright Jensen, let's go get that snack now" Misha said. The two men walked into the kitchen, and Jensen got settled at the table. Misha brought over his snack, which consisted of crackers and cheese.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2015 ⏰

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