What Happens in Vegas Doesn't Always Stay in Vegas

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"I would like to take this chance to formally thank each and every one of you for coming today to celebrate our anniversary," Bokuto stood up from where he had been seated and addressed the crowd with a smile. "Ten years is a long time, but it's amazing just how fast that time flies when you're having fun with your absolute best friend." He looked to the side lovingly, heart swelling five sizes at the gaze that met his own.

Looking around and seeing all of the friends and family who had come to celebrate their special day, one of the most memorable days of his life, brought a tear to his eye; there were dozens of faces looking at him with soft smiles and fond expressions. His husband, however, was the only one with a scowl, frown lines deep, and Bokuto couldn't help but chuckle. He raised his glass of wine and prompted the rest to do the same. "So, I would like to propose a toast. Ten years ago I married my best friend and the years have been full of nothing but laughter and love."

Suddenly, there was an arm linking through his own, and he looked over to see that Kuroo was now standing at his side, teary expression of his own adorning his face. "Akaashi and Kenma are still a bit mad about it," Kuroo placed a hand over his heart and they both turned and blew a kiss at their respective partners, "but that was truly one of our finest ideas thus far!"

"To ten great years and many more to come!" Bokuto lifted his glass and the rest followed suit. "You're all welcome to stay as long as you want! Please, eat, drink, socialize, whatever you would like." He turned to face his husband now, who was slumped down in his chair, arms folded over his chest, and a glower on his face. "How was that Keiji?" he asked excitedly.

"Kotarou," Akaashi rubbed his temples and let out an exasperated sigh. "Must you do this every year?"

"Hey, at least he didn't tell the story this time," Kuroo butted into the conversation with a dangerous smirk on his face. "Sweet, sweet Akaashi, why can't you just be happy for your husband and I on our special day?

"Yeah, don't you know we're just the second husbands," Kenma walked over now and, if looks could kill, both Bokuto and Kuroo would have been long-dead.

Bokuto let out a boisterous laugh that shook the room, "Oh, come on you guys. You've gotta admit that it's kind of funny to think about now. Plus it is a really good story. What a night..."

"Kotarou," Akaashi warned.

"I remember it like it was just yesterday," Kuroo joined in.

"Tetsuro, I swear to god, you better not-" but Kenma was cut off as his husband continued.

"It was ten years ago and my best bro and I were on our way to spend one last bachelor weekend together..."

"Oh my god."

10 Years Ago

"Akaaaashi," Bokuto whined loudly, holding his fiancé tight to his chest, tears falling from his eyes. "Are you sure you're okay with me going so far away for the weekend? I feel bad leaving you here all alo-"

"Kotarou, I don't want you to feel like you can't do things that you want to do because of me," Akaashi looked up with a warm smile. "I'll be okay, I promise."

"But, but won't you be lonely!?"

"It's just for a few days my love, and besides, Kozume is going to be staying with me since he'll have the apartment to himself with Kuroo-san being gone."

"If you say so..." he pouted, clearly not convinced.

"Oh come on, Bo, the guys will be totally fine!" Kuroo came up and clapped his best friend on the back. "Besides, in just a week you're going to be married and boring. No offense," he turned to Akaashi.

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