The Boy

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Sirius Black: 𝒱𝒾𝓋𝒶𝓁𝒹𝒾'𝓈 𝐹𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒮𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃𝓈: 𝒮𝓊𝓂𝓂𝑒𝓇

Forewarning y'all this book keeps it PG haha Webtoon please don't delete my stuff. R.I.P Dane and the Magpie, this was supposed to be a one-off special chapter thing but uh... I think this might become my main book, we'll see I guess.

Reg is pronounced Redge as in ledge or edge, not leg or egg.

"No." Sirius tried to swallow the knot in his throat, his eyes fixated on the dancing ink flowing in his brother's forearm tauntingly. "Reg... you didn't." There was a subtle stinging in his eyes, he stressfully ran a hand through his slick, ebony locks. Regulus' jaw was clenched, his eyes determined, but he was afraid. 

"I had to," the fifteen-year old's lip trembled. "I was chosen."... Sirius fell back onto the sofa, placing his head into his shaking hands. Cold tears drifted freely down his cheeks onto the floorboards, the small noise they made blending with the rain pattering against the window. He took a long, shallow breath.

"It happened last week when they said we were going to pick up my new wand, mum took me to see him." Regulus choked, awkwardly pulling his sleeve back down to his wrist. "They were all there, Sirius, even V-, I-" a quiet sob, "I didn't know what to do. If I'd said no..." Sirius nodded, before looking up at his brother.

"We have to get you out of this house Regulus - you have to leave, it isn't safe." Regulus shook his head, stepping back. 

"I-I can't run."

Sirius stood up slowly, running a hand through his hair again, something he did when he was particularly nervous. "Why the fuck not?" His brother looked at the floor, his face one of anger, confusion and fear.

"Vivienne was there, she was terrified, Tim brought her along. Riddle knows, he'll kill her if I leave." 

"Tim- you mean Crouch's son? How the hell did he get caught up in that shit?" Sirius sighed, tilting his head back in frustration, he noticed that the damp caused by UK weather had resulted in the ceiling going a sickly cream colour, the painted flowers wilting and fading. For a moment he thought about the family tree in the front room, wondering whether his face had now been cremated... he grimaced at the thought.

 There was a creak at the gate outside causing the brother to jump. "Wait here," Sirius whispered, stalking over to the door. He was tall for his age, despite having a bit of room for growth his head was only inches away from touching the door frame. "Thank God," he remarked, opening the door hastily. James Potter walked in quickly, dripping wet from the downpour outside.

"It's a nightmare out there, anyway, Moony sent me to check on you cause he was getting worried but he's also afraid of your parents- what's up anyway?" There was a long pause. "Right, okay... don't tell me. Are you coming?" 

Sirius looked at Regulus who was standing sadly, fumbling with the collar of his sleeve. He closed his eyes in frustration, but all he saw was a disappointed looking Remus. Feeling guilted by someone who wasn't even in the room, he turned to his brother. "Do you want to come with us, even just for a bit?"

James kicked Sirius in the foot causing a sharp pain to spike up his leg but the boy remained unfazed, holding his focus solely on his brother. Regulus nervously turned to look at the black door at the end of the hall. Gold metallics painted onto the oak wood spelt 'Orion Black'. He swallowed. "No one will know I'm gone?"

Sirius smiled reassuringly, gesturing his head towards the door while James watched in exasperation. "Lily's gonna be there." He burst as Regulus began to move towards the exit to the house. There was a pause, and the room filled with a tension of a tangible degree. Sirius felt a tame urge to ram his friend's head into the door frame.

"Oh," Regulus' voice became reserved as if suddenly remembering something important. "No, thank you for the offer." He turned around, slowly walking back into the hall of the house, his figure becoming enclosed in the shadow of the house of Black.

"Fuck you, Potter. That was important." Sirius affectionately wrapped an arm around James' shoulder and guided the two of them out of the house, carefully closing the door behind them. James looked at Sirius in utter confusion. "Pad, the boy hates all things muggle, how am I supposed to let him near Lily? She'd be furious with me." 

Sirius snorted a laugh, taking his arm off of James. "Lily is always furious with you, though I'm sure she appreciates your efforts, where to?" The boy with shorter black hair sighed. Given the low lighting of the street, any pedestrian may have mistaken the two for brothers.

 Both boys were of similar build and height, their main differences being facial features. James had a pair of bright blue eyes and a soft nose. Sirius housed dark brown eyes - a common trait for the house of Black, his nose was larger and more defined - his features made him look older than sixteen and accompanied with a head of long dark hair and a lazy smirk, he was a popular spectacle among those with any sexual orientation.

"The shrieking shack, Padfoot." Sirius' blood ran cold, the sky was overcast due to the rain, he prayed he hadn't missed it. He'd forgotten, how in Merlin's name had he forgotten? Running a hand through his hair for the third time that night, he looked up and down the street for onlookers before turning back to James. 

He grabbed his friend's forearm. "Try not the vomit, Prongs." James' eyes widened in realisation, but before he could refute, the two had disappeared from the path in front of No. 12, Grimmauld Place. 

Okay, no joke, I was gonna call Reg's girlfriend Vivian, then I decided to check who he actually marries in case I preferred the name of that character and it was ma girl Vivienne. My mind is blown, honestly. Guys this is set in 1977 and in 1977 there was a full moon on Christmas Day I'm going to cry, our poor boy.

Also, I have no idea who the main character is, I'm just rolling with it.

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