- The Beginning -

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" Mm... "


" Se no... "

" WAKE UP! "

A boy shouted, to a boy's ear loudly as the one who got shouted snapped his body up. As his head crashes against the other boy.


" AH! "

They screamed out in pain, as they crashed. Then, they distanced themselves and held on their head.

" What are you doing?! "

A boy shouted as he rubbed his head, feeling the pain of crashing against each other.

" I was trying to wake you up! "

The other boy replied as he replied in pain.

" You don't need to shout on my ears! You could've just pat my shoulder or shake it! "

The boy replied in annoyance, as the other boy chuckled sheepishly.

" Ehehe... sorry. "

The other boy said as the boy groans.

" You've said that everytime you pranked me and you still keep on pranking! "

The boy said as the light from the sun shone upon the village. And soon, it shone upon the boy.

The boy, wears a brown shirt, with short black pants. He have a black hair which is currently messy from the bed.

The boy, opened his eyes and gazed upon the other boy. His dark purple pupil, boring onto an emerald green pupil.

" Tch, you truly are annoying you know? "

The boy said, as the other boy grinned and put his hands on his hips.

" That's my charm! "

The other boy said, as the boy, chuckled.

" You know being annoying is not a charm right? "

" It is! If I'm proud of being annoying, it does technically mean it's my charm! "

The other boy said, as the boy sighed and smiles. Although the other boy couldn't see it. As the boy held his hand to cover his face.

" Well, life without trouble or annoyance would probably be boring. "

" Right!? "

The other boy said as he smiles.

" You ARE too overactive in the morning. "

" You ARE too lazy in the morning. "

The other boy replied, as the boy rolled his eyes and smirks.

" Part of my charm. "

The boy said as they laughed.

" And who would want to be with you, oh Mr. Lazy bum? "

" Hey! At least I didn't get rejected like the person in front of me by Shiina. "

The boy replied, as the other boy gasped in shock.

" You did not... "

" I did. "

" You did not just go there did you..? "

" I did. Mr. Annoying. "

The boy said with a grin as the other boy grinned and tackles the boy. As he then pinched his cheek.

" Say sorry! "

" Ywu ae laik a gel! "

The boy said with a challenging grin as the other boy smirks.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2021 ⏰

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