The Same

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I knew it wasn’t for me

This union before the fire

My mind I kept safe within the recesses to keep                                     

From drowning in the quagmire.

I knew it wasn’t for me,

But for my blood,

I held my tongue.

He treated me kindly enough

Although with a slight exasperation

I held myself from him;

It wasn’t to his expectation

More than the walls around me

Holding my body

I felt the thin band on my finger


Smothering my soul

I knew it wasn’t for me

This caging of my own

But for my blood

I held my tongue

I was free enough, to move outside my house

But I wasn’t free

To not have to come back to the same bed


The same pockmarked mirror on the same faded walls

The same dusty shelves with books unopened

The same,

the same

Every morning I woke

I slept in this house ate, worked in this house

Beside the man who gave me his name

I lived here

But it wasn’t my home

I never found my home.

This life of constraint

Wasn’t for me

I yearned to roll with the wind

But I look at the people

Depending on me

And I hold my tongue.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2012 ⏰

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