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Hey friends, I'm back with another dark piece of fiction that you probably shouldn't read.

"The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance" is a psychological crossover between dark themes found within "The Car Crash Club" and the investigative setting of "Find You" (published on my alternative account sorryhyungwon). This work also contains inspiration from Raymond Carver and the related film "Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)."

While this work doesn't go into graphic detail, please be aware that this work refers to implied sexual abuse and sex trafficking. As per usual, I will not romanticize these aspects in any way. No scenes that have been written portray the abusive content in question. Instead, this work examines the trauma as well as coping strategies victims may employ.

Read at your own discretion, and as per usual, I will post an afterward with some research summaries and sources for interested readers.

Thank you!

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