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With the soft music playing, the tension in the room lingered despite the soothing melodies. My gaze shifted towards the musicians, and there he was—the man who had been by Damien's side the entire time, the one Matt assumed was Damien's right-hand man. He stood confidently in front of the microphone, undoubtedly the one who had made the announcement.

Matt remained frozen, the onlookers growing restless. Some whispered among themselves, while others muttered their curiosity. And Damien...

He still held out his hand, beckoning me to join him. Some might think he was asking me to dance, but it was more than that.

He wasn't giving me a choice.

"My beautiful Rosa, dance with me," Damien said, his words carrying an undertone that conveyed his intentions. He continued to extend his hand, and even if I wanted to decline, I found myself unable to do so.

Resigned, I reached out my hand, which he gently grasped with his rough palms. His smile deepened as he pulled me towards him, leading me onto the dance floor.

Whispers filled the room, growing louder with each passing moment.

"That's him!"

"He never dances with anyone before."

"Who is that girl?"

Tension coiled within me as I heard the chatter. I disliked how they spoke, knowing that their words would spark rumors about me. I was not too fond of rumors—those that had circulated about me and Matt on campus had been bothersome enough. This new development would only add fuel to the fire.

"Don't worry, angel. I'm here," Damien murmured, attempting to calm my frayed nerves. It seemed he understood my agitation, and he genuinely tried to soothe me amidst the unfolding situation.

We paused in the middle of the room, and Damien secured his grip on my waist and hand, guiding me through the dance. I blushed, realizing my lack of skill.

"Wait... I don't know how to dance," I stammered, attempting to halt our movements. However, he refused to release me, pulling me closer still. With determination, he continued to dance, urging me to follow his lead.

"Follow my lead, Rosa. You'll be fine," he reassured me with a smile, instilling confidence. His deep gaze spoke volumes, expressing a sentiment reserved solely for me in a room full of people. It caused my heart to flutter slightly faster than it should.

Surprising everyone in attendance, the man known for his stoicism, who never smiled or displayed any emotion, wore an undeniably beautiful smile—and it was directed at me.

I couldn't tear my eyes away from him. I longed to indulge in my desires, to surrender to the tantalizing thoughts that arose within me. But Damien leaned closer, his voice a seductive murmur against my ear.

"Is my Rosa entertaining wicked thoughts again?" he whispered, the tone eliciting a surge of desire that threatened to overwhelm me.

I froze, my cheeks reddening. "N... no," I managed to reply, flustered by his words.

"Are you sure? You seemed uncomfortable earlier, in the corner," he said, flashing an innocent smile. I stiffened, but my paralysis was short-lived as the dance continued, and I had to move before appearing foolish.

"You saw me before?" I questioned, puzzled. I had made sure to keep an eye on him, convinced that he hadn't noticed my gaze. If he had witnessed my actions, particularly the ones that made me yearn for relief, it would only heighten my embarrassment.

"You know I have eyes everywhere, right? I've been watching over you since the moment you stepped out of that limousine," he replied, his voice devoid of emotion.

My eyes widened in realization, and as I lifted my head to meet his gaze once more, the cold look in his eyes returned, replacing any trace of emotion.

"Why are you here, angel? You despise social events. You hate being in the spotlight," he questioned, his voice low and probing.

"You knew that, and yet you asked me to dance," I retorted quietly, my gaze shifting around the room. As expected, I found myself in the spotlight, surrounded by influential individuals. "If you knew, how could you?"

"If you can be with an imbecile like that Tondersons kid, then you can be with me, right?" His words carried a tinge of jealousy, his gaze revealing his unease regarding Matt. He twirled me around to the beat, and when I faced him once more, my mood lightened. It felt enchanting.

I couldn't deceive him about my reasons for being there, so I found myself divulging the truth—compelled to share with him what I had kept hidden. I rambled on about my purpose and how I ended up in this situation. Strangely, I felt an overwhelming comfort in his presence, as if I could be myself without reservation. Matt's warnings about Damien, the Asian man's cautionary words, and my self-imposed pep talk to stay away—all faded into oblivion.

He listened attentively, holding me close throughout our conversation. The staring crowd ceased to exist, and Matt's shocked expression became irrelevant. At that moment, it was just the two of us, dancing, and I felt an unprecedented ease being near him.

As the song reached its end, Damien came to a halt, and I followed suit, following his lead.

"You must have danced with countless women before to be this skilled," I remarked innocently, sounding almost childlike, while he placed an arm around my waist.

"I don't dance with just anyone, angel. I've only ever wanted to dance with you, and I always will," he declared matter-of-factly, as though it were the most obvious statement in the world.

"Why don't you want to dance with others?" I asked, genuine curiosity piqued.

"Do you want me to dance with other girls?" he inquired, his tone plain, his gaze fixed on me.

My eyes widened at the thought of him dancing with another woman, the way he had danced with me. Discomfort etched itself across my face, and I responded quickly, "No!"

Amusement danced in his eyes as he surveyed the room once more, observing the people around us. Then, he simply stated, "I don't like to dance with other girls because they are not you, my beautiful Rosa."

MercilessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora