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Welcome to my cover shop.

My name is jasmine, and I am a graphics designer.

Before you continue, please read these rules:

1.) Please do not criticize my work, or self promote yourself here.

2.) Please vote and add this to library if I make you a cover.

3.) You have to use the graphics for at least a week if I make one for you.

4.) Please do not tell other designers to make your cover while you have asked me to do as well, I do not appreciate my efforts going to waste. If you ask me for a cover, it has to be only me.

5.) Share my work if I make you a design.

6.) Give me credits to your cover

7.) You have to follow me permanently.

Please PM me if you would like a cover, theme, banner, or aesthetic.

In the next chapter, I will post some examples of my work.

Thanks for reading.


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