So Far Away

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The bus was moving at a decent pace. The guys were in all in different places, minding their own business. Gerard in the living room area, drawing random doodles in his sketchbook. Mikey and Ray were in the kitchen area trying to look for some food since they were hungry. Bob was in his bunk, texting away on his phone with his girlfriend. And then there was Frank. He was also in his bunk, headphones plugged in both of his ears and the music was turned up all the way to block everything out around him. Frank was listening to the demo of his side project, leAthermøuth, trying to see if the songs were good enough or if there were some parts that could be better.

Frank has been, well, he hasn't been himself lately. The guys have noticed too, but they said nothing about it. Actually, Mikey was the only one who knew what was up and he'd always talk to Frank when everyone else was asleep or if they were alone. Frank usually had better control over his feelings and he'd always force a smile onto his face, but smiling seemed impossible to do these days. His feelings were intensifying and he couldn't control it, despite how much he wanted it to go away. It didn't, and that pissed him off.

He never expected himself to fall for Gerard, his best friend.

Sure, he was gay, so thought of loving a guy never bothered him. Everyone knew of Frank's sexuality and they never cared, they were always supportive of him. Frank was always glad that the fact of him being gay never bothered the rest of the guys of the band, it never made them uncomfortable.

Love was something Frank dreamt of finding. Having someone special to be able call their own. To be married and later have kids. Though, loving Gerard was never something he wanted. He didn't want to fall for his best friend...who happened to be enganged to the bassist of Mind Self Indulgence, Lindsey (aka Lyn-z). When Gerard announced his engagement to the fans, it killed Frank. It was like a huge slap in the face because he knew in reality he could never have Gerard, no matter how many times he wished he could have him.

The night Gerard's engagement was announced it was at a show, so when they were finished playing, Frank was the first off the stage, handing his beloved guitar to one of the technicians, and sprinted to the nearest bathroom to hurl. He never knew how much loving someone could hurt. Especially seeing that this someone is in love with someone else and not you. After regaining some of his posture, Frank exited the bathroom and left to the bus so he could retrieve his wallet. He decided he'd get wasted that night, a temporary solution to forget his heartache. Little did he know that Mikey was watching every step Frank had took, he even ran after Frank when he had locked himself in the bathroom. Something was up and he knew; he'd always knew because Frank had started acting strange after that one 'Frerard Famous Kiss'.

Mikey followed Frank to the bar, making sure that the younger male was safe. Keeping an eye on Frank, he took note that he was practically downing every once of liquor. There was this one guy, tall and muscular. His hair was a dirty blonde color which fell over his eyes. He had bought a drink and Mikey noticed he was sticking something in there - a pill which immediately dissolved in the liquid. Confused,Mikey watched as he was going to Frank. Frank gladly took it, smiling drunkenly at the guy, and let the alcohol slide down his throat.

Mikey knew what it was and he knew what would happen to Frank if he didn't get him soom enough. Since he was on the other side of the bar, Mikey couldn't get to him in time before Frank had stupidly accepted it. He did get to Frank before the mysterious person could take Frank.

"What do you think you're doing?" Mikey hissed at the man. The man gave Mikey a disgusted look, pulling Frank towards him.

"Piss off," the man said, slurring at his words, making it quite obvious that he was drunk or at least tipsy. "He's my boyfriend, ain't ya, Frankie?"

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