welcome to Hollywood arts!

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*beep! beep! beeep!* *beep! beep! beeep!*

You groaned as you sat up and turned off the alarm clock. "Ugh shut up!" You slam your hand on the clock and throw it across the room. "Dumb alarm..." You begin to lay back down when you hear a pounding on your door. "Oh for the love of all that's holy what?????" the door opened and your sister stood in the door. "Hey sis! Whatcha doin?" she said. "Oh I don't know,  maybe just trying to sleep? My stupid alarm woke me and-" she cut you off. "That sucks. Anyways I was wondering if i could borrow your heels for today?" You looked at her with such anger and disgust but said yes anyways since you already knew she wouldn't leave until she got them. "Thanks!" she said as she ran to grab them. "You better get ready, you're starting Hollywood arts today remember?" Shit! You totally spaced it! You jumped out of bed and ran for your closet. Your sister laughed and walked to the kitchen as you paced your room deciding what to wear.

~Time skip to after you're dressed~

You walk to the kitchen to see your sister sitting on the counter eating an apple. "Hey! Tables are for glasses not asses! Get down!" she rolled her eyes and got off the counter and looked at you, she then began to snicker. "What?" you asked confused at her actions. "You're really wearing *that* to your first day of Hollywood arts?" she sighed "Maybe you need more fashion help than I thought.. come! come!" she headed towards your room. "What are we doing..?" she stopped and turned to you and struck a pose, "Fashion show!!!" she said in a singsong voice. You rolled your eyes playfully as you were dragged to your room. "We don't have much time left sis. Maybe we should just go.. I don't wanna be late-" she cut you off again, man she has a problem with that. "Oh shush you big baby, don't question how fast I can make you look amaze~!" you rolled your eyes again and she got to work.

~Another time skip to when you're done getting dressed~

"Ta daaa~! What do ya think sis?" you thought your outfit was better but eh whatever made her happy I guess. "It looks great sis!" you lied. You took out your phone to check the time. "SHIT! CMON GET YOUR ASS IN THE CAR WERE GONNA BE LATE!!!" you screamed bolting for the car.

~Time skip to school~

"Oh come on please!? Just one more try! I'm sure it'll work this time!!" You were dragging your sister away from the vending machine before she spent 20 dollars on one candy bar. "No, it didn't work the first nineteen times, I don't think it'll work now. C'mon show me where my class is." she sighed dramatically and sped ahead to show you your class. "Here, now if anyone asks, we aren't siblings." You were taken aback "Wait what?" You turn but she's already running down the hallway to her homeroom.

You rolled your eyes and sat in a seat you thought was empty. "You cant sit there." Someone said sternly. You turned around to see a scary looking goth girl, she's kind of  pretty though, "Hm? Why's that?" She rolled her eyes, damn okay sassy. "That's my boyfriend's seat you imbecile! Beck Oliver? Ever heard of him dumbass?" The realization hit her and her expression softened. "Oh. you're new. Cool." She crossed her arms and leaned back in her seat staring at you as if waiting for you do something. "Get up!" she yelled suddenly making you jump up out of your chair. You tripped over a chair and almost fell when someone caught you, "You should really be more careful" they said helping you back onto your feet.

You looked up to see who caught you. It was a very handsome brunette wearing a leather jacket, you saw the goth girl come up next to both of you, "You have three seconds. One.!.Two.!." She gave you both a look and like that you parted and you went to find a seat. You sat down next to a red head that had a stuffed animal in her hand, weird but okay. She looked at you and smiled and said enthusiastically, "Hi! I'm Cat Valentine! Are you new?" you smiled and nodded, "Yeah! I'm Y/n L/n! I just started Hollywood Arts today!" "You'll fit in great! Just don't get too close to Beck, that's Jade's boyfriend." Ohhh! Her name is Jade! Good to know!

~Time skip to Mr. Sikowitz' class~

You came into class absolutely exhausted, thank god it was almost time for lunch! You faced yet another problem of trying to find a seat. You looked all around and ended up making eye contact with Jade, she glared at you and you quickly looked away. You saw Cat and instantly felt relief wash over you, you waved and went to sit next to her. She smiled at you and you two talked until another boy walked in, one you hadn't seen before.

He had curly hair, glasses and a puppet in his hand. You were creeped out by the puppet but went back to talking to Cat when you realized that the boy sat next to you. "Great! Puppet boy is sitting next to me! How fantastic!" you thought. It  only got weirder when the teacher walked in.

He had no shoes, he was wearing a strange looking cardigan, and he had a coconut in his hand with a straw in it. Oh boy this day couldn't possibly get any weirder! He began talking about the strangest things and then he said, "Y/n! You are the new child here today!" you found it weird he called you a child but kept listening anyway, "You'll be going first in improv acting today! You can go with..hm..Tori! Both of you up on stage c'mon now chop chop!"

He went over and sat in an empty seat as you nervously got up and walked towards the stage. You could feel your heart pounding and your legs shaking, all eyes were on you. You stood on the stage with the girl named Tori and you waited for your improv theme. The theme was one you were not used to but decided to make do with the situation at hand. Tori looked at you and said, "You ready?" you nodded and you two began acting.

~Time skip to after class~

You heard the bell ring and practically jumped out of your chair, you were super hungry! You were grabbing your things when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned to see who it was, "Hey! Y/n, isn't it? I thought your improv was really great!" Oh jeeze, it's puppet boy.. ,"A lot of people say I can't act, and you're really *really* good! Could you help me get better at acting?" You smiled warmly at him, he was..kinda cute.. ,"Yeah! Of course I can help! Uh, I'm sorry but.. What's your name?"

He smiled, "Robbie! Robbie Shapiro!" he gestured to his puppet, "This is Rex!" You looked at the puppet, "Hey mamas, how about you ditch Robbie and we study? If ya know what I mean?" Robbie looked humiliated, but all you could do was laugh. How is he such a good ventriloquist? You didn't even see his mouth move! Robbie spoke, "Rex! That's not funny man!"

He looked genuinely upset, who said he wasn't a good actor? You both agreed on eating lunch together so you had him show you where the cafeteria is, and honestly, I wouldn't even call it a cafeteria, it was a full blown outdoor restaurant! Jeeze this school has some getting used to.

You followed him to a table and Cat was already sitting there, "Hey Cat!" she turned to you and Robbie, "Oh hey! Do you want to eat lunch with us?" you nodded and sat down. A few seconds went by and Tori and some other boy you hadn't met yet sat down.

The boy looked so familiar but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. Tori spoke, "Oh! Andre! You haven't properly met Y/n yet have you? Y/n this is Andre, He was in Mr. Sikowitz' class with us!" he held out his hand, "I'm Andre Harris! Nice to meet you." you smiled and shook his hand. More time goes by and soon enough Jade and Beck are sitting at the table too. Jade seemed to be somewhat thrown off by something, "You know Robbie is sitting next to you right?" she said eyeing Robbie. I looked at Robbie then at her, "Yeah I know..?" She looked grossed out but picked at her food and kept quiet. 

~Time skip to the end of the day~

Your last period just ended and you went to the parking lot to wait on your sister, when you finally see her she's.. running? "HELP! HELP!Y/N START THE CAR!!" she threw the keys at you and you bent down to pick them up, confused you started the car and sat in the passenger side. "What's going on sis?!" she got in the car and locked the doors. She then turned to you and out of breath said, "Sin..jin..." you gave her a puzzled look, "What?!" She rolled her eyes, "SINJIN!!! HE'S ONE OF THE WEIRDEST DUDES AT THIS SCHOOL! HE TRIED TO TALK TO ME!" you laughed and rolled your eyes as she drove home and you told her about your day.

word count:1614 

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