Chapter 1

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A young brunette girl walks towards a pair of double doors to a large white building. That's me, Sky Parker. And that's my school, Avengers Academy. Avengers Academy is a school for the Enhanced, the relatives of the Avengers. We're the next generation. Everyone here has some sort of power that relates to who they descended from. That's much like me; my parents are Peter and Wanda Parker. Otherwise known as Spiderman and The Scarlet Witch. I don't see them like that, but it's hard to leave the house without fans. I have two older sisters that have my father's powers. Leslie and Avery. They're 4 years older than me and are twins. I'm 13, and this is my third year at Avengers Academy. You get sent here the year that you show any magical ability. Usually, that happens on your 13th birthday, but my powers showed earlier than the others. I have the ability of psychokinesis, much like my mother. That means that I can hypnotize and use the energy around me and in others to my advantage. But enough about me and my school, let's get back to this. I walk through the doors and race up to my dorm that I have to myself. I quickly drop my bags off on the bed and rush back downstairs to my first period Mission Escape, with my professor, Mr. Barnes. I walk in quickly and sit down right before the bell rings, immediately noticing a strange black metal cube looking machine in the classroom but not knowing what it is. It took up nearly half of the room. It was awfully gloomy and no one dared touch it. It almost had this hum to it.

"Good morning Professor Barnes!" I say cheerily, in comparison with the rest of the class.

"Good morning class." he says, "Today will be the first class where you are in a 'mission simulator'." he gestures towards the metal cube, "This is a simulation of what could possibly happen, as if you were on a real mission, and I will be monitoring your decisions and actions carefully. It will not feel as if you are in a cube. You will be able to run and walk. You will feel the bunches and you will feel if you die. If you die, you fail this assignment. Think about each decision and be careful." He pulls out a clipboard and holds a mechanical pencil in his metal hand.

I nod my head in understanding, and swallow the lump in my throat. I'm terrified to go up to the machine. I had always dreamt of going on huge battles and missions like the Avengers used to, but I also fear losing the people I love. Or even my own life. This machine would determine whether I can handle even a simple mission or not. What happens when I'm in a situation that wasn't planned? How could I make it out with everyone I entered with?

"Who would like to go first?" Barnes asks the class and notices one figure in the back of the room raise their hand; Jase Barnes. Ugh, Jase is the most narcissistic person I know, other than maybe my sisters. He's always showing off and trying to get people's attention. He acts as if he's mightier than everyone else in the room.

Barnes shakes his head and keeps looking around desperately, "Would anyone else like to go?"

I keep my head down, hoping that Mr. Barnes doesn't choose me.

He sighs, "Okay then, Jase you can go."

Jase stands up and walks so past my seat to the simulator. I unfortunately make eye contact with him as he passes me, and I watch him wink at me as he passes me. I nearly puke at the mere thought of it. He walks into the large machine and Professor Barnes closes the door on him. I watch Mr. Barnes sit back down at his desk and watch a screen that must be the simulation. It helped my nerve that only Professor Barnes could see the simulation, not the whole class.
Jase spent nearly 20 minutes in there. He was slightly shaken when he came out. 4 more students went in and came out, equally shaken.

My peers and I had nothing else to do during the time, so we all talked about what we thought happened on each mission. We weren't sure if each mission was specialized for each student, or if it was the same for everyone, like a video game. We were never told, as the students that went into the simulator never said anything about it to the rest of the class. The bell rang, signalling the end of class.

"Thank you for everyone who participated in the simulation! I expect each and every one of you to finish this assignment by the end of the month!" Mr. Barnes shouted as we packed our bags.

I nodded and hurried out before I could get pushed. As I'm the youngest in the class by 3 years, the older students know that I'm an easy pick, so they like to bully me. I've learned to get out of there. And fast.

"Yo Parker! I want to talk to you!" Jase shouted at the back of my head, wanting my attention
I rolled my eyes at him,

"Buzz off Barnes! I don't want to talk to you!" I started speed-walking to my dorm. I didn't want anything to do with him.

"Please just let me spea-" I slam the door in his face. I huff and sit on my bed, reaching for a book off of my nightstand. I sat there entranced in the world of Emily and her adventures with the Roman gods and goddesses for an hour before I get up to get ready again. I sit up and change into my suit: a purple tank top, purple leather skirt, and a purple leather jacket. I grab my purple lace choker and race down the stairs to the arena, meeting no one on the way. I walk up to the left side of the arena, to the area covered in dummies. I spend 2 full hours training there until my peers came trickling in one by one.
"Hey Leslie, hey Avery" I acknowledged my sisters, still facing the dummy. I continue to punch at it and throw spells with all of my might.

"You know you're tired, just let me have a go" Leslie whines. I laugh at my sister's eagerness.

"There are plenty of free dummies, just use one of them". I chuckle once again at my sister as I say that. I turned back to the dummies and continue punching it. We hear someone clapping in the back of the arena.

"Good afternoon children!" our teacher, Ms. Stark announced cheerily. She motioned for all of us to join her in the center of the arena.

"Today's class will be a free period in the arena. You have no instructions and are free to do as you please. Go on!" she smiles as we all disperse.
Leslie follows me back to the dummies, while Avery walked slowly toward the treadmills. I smile, glad to be working out and doing something with my body. I haven't felt this good in a long time. I really needed to punch out this mission simulator stress. Also the anger at Jase. Why did he want to talk to me so bad? Was this about the simulation? Whatever. I'm not going to be his therapist. Without music, working out does tend to get pretty boring though, so I decide to tease my sister about her new boyfriend, also known as fresh meat.

"What's going on between you and Xander" I smirked at her sister. Leslie scoffs and chuckles as I focus back on the poor dummy in front of me.

"I know that you aren't particularly fond of him, but then again, you aren't fond of any boy so far". Leslie punches me playfully. I rolled my eyes at her.

"It's not that I don't like him, I just don't think he deserves you" I told her, not making eye contact with Leslie. I could feel my sister's eyes on the back of my head. Leslie bumped me playfully with her hip.

"What about that boy over there, Jase." She points, "There must be something going on between you two." I turn around in shock.

"Jase? Really?! No way! I would never. He's a complete jerk and I hate him." I turned back to the dummy and started hitting it harder. In the corner of my eye, I notice a tall figure running away, out the door.

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