His Experiment

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Hey guys I hope you like this is my first shot at writing so all comments would be helpful

Thank you whoever you are wherever you are! It means alot :)

oh and ps the girl on the other side is meant to be Lilly


Chapter 1

I am going to die in this smelly cage.

I thought to herself lamely. In the movies when the heroin gets kidnapped its all so wonderfully romantic, all they had to do was squeal and faint and Prince Charming would come charging in on his big stupid horse to come-a-rescuin', and save me from my cruel captors.

However in real life as always things don't always work out that way. There was no Prince Charming to come galloping to my rescue, in fact I doubted anyone had even reported my disappearance yet.

I thought back to last night when they'd taken me. Or at least I assumed it was last night, the cell had no windows.

There had been a party for New Year's Eve, and my new foster parents had forbidden me going. But it had been New Year's Eve and at the time it seemed far more important that I spent it with my best friend than obeying their rules.

So I had in true rebel style snuck out the window and left a note on my pillow telling them where I'd gone gone, just in case.

I arrived at the party just before midnight, I'd sifted through the sea of bodies dancing to the music pumping through the abandoned shed to find Alex, Alex and I had been friends since we were 9 and I'd found him sleeping in an ally near my house. Both Alex and my parents had died when we were very young. We'd both been thrown into foster family after foster family, some of them had been genuinely nice people who wanted help us, other hadn't been so nice... But since that day we' been inseparable.

"Hey what are you doing here, thought you weren't allowed out?" He yelled at me over the music looking surprised and a tad drunk.

" I slipped my leash" I said with a smile.

He gave me a sleigh smile back. " They're gonna be pissed when they find out"

"Yeah I know but I just couldn't bare the thought of spending New Years with out you" I said mockingly. He laughed.

"Plus I'll be 18 in a couple months, I'll be free!" I said grinning.

My current foster parents weren't that bad, I'd definitely had worse but I wouldn't be sticking around after my 18th birthday. I'd been noticing some of the looks my new foster "dad" had been giving me, not to mention the occasional squeeze under the dinner table. Yeah it was definitely time to move on.

"Lilly, you know you can always come stay with me you know." Alex had to shout over the music. He offered for me to stay at his place a lot lately, I think he shared my suspicions about where things were heading with my new foster parents.

Alex was a year older that me and had already escaped the child care system and was living in a tiny studio apartment downtown with two other guys.

"Nah, it's ok I think I can stick this one out for a couple more months, thanks though." I said smiling.

Alex's face darkened, " I don't like you being there." He said sternly, any humour leaving his face. "I don't think it's safe anymore you should come and stay with me, at least for a while."

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