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Nick's Pov

"Alright Hank, I'm done for tonight, I'm going to head home to Juliet okay?" I said grabbing my coat and standing up. "Yeah man." He said, I smiled walking out of work. I got into my car turning on the radio. I listened to it the whole way home. I noticed a car that I didn't recognize in the driveway. "She must have a friend over." I said to myself as I got out of the car. I walked through the door and my heart stopped. There in front of me was Juliet and another man, a man who worked with me. I don't know his name but I know he works with me. "Juliet..?" "Nick! It's not what it looks like!" She shouted. I ran out of the house with tears in my eyes. I quickly got in my car and picked up my phone dialing Monroe. "M-Monroe?" I asked my eyes puffy and red. "Nick? What's wrong?" "Juliet... She cheated on me..!" I shouted trying not to break down. "What?!" Monroe and Rosalee shouted. "I have nowhere to go..." I whispered into the phone. "Well, we aren't at home... Why don't you ask your captain?" "Okay... I'll let you know how it goes..." I said before hanging up. I dialed my captain, it rang a few times before he picked up. "Renard." He said through the phone. "This is Nick..." "Oh, what's wrong?" "It's Juliet... She cheated on me..!" I shouted breaking down. "What?!" I flinched at his tone of voice. "I-I need a place to stay..." I whispered trying not to cry. "You can stay with me." "Okay..." I quickly hung up the phone and drove to his house. I knocked on his door my nose stuffy and eyes puffy. He opened the door and let me in. As soon as I closed the door he wrapped his arms around me. I gripped his shirt tightly as I cried into his chest. He rubbed my back trying to calm me down. After a while I calmed down pulling away from him. "Thank you." I said hugging him one more time. "It's no problem." He said as he let me go. "Why don't you go pick out some clothes from the closet in my room and take a shower." I nodded my head and walked to his room. I grabbed a white collard t-shirt and sweat pants. I walked into the bathroom and set the clothes down on the toilet seat. I turned the shower on and got in, I felt the hot water drip down my back.   I sighed in content.  After years of us being together, after all, we've been through, how could she do that to me.   I sighed stepping out of the shower.  I grabbed the towel and dried off.  I grabbed the clothes and put them on.  "It smells like him..."  I mumbled to myself.  I walked out of the bathroom and back into the living room.  "I'll make us something to eat."


"Thank you for the food."  I said with a smile.  "Any time."  He said standing up and taking the plates.  I stood up and walked towards him.  "So-"  I tried to speak but he cut me off.  "You can stay as long as you need."   "Thank you."  "Anything for a friend."  He smiled.  Those words stung but I didn't know why.  "You should go to sleep, please use my bed."  "Um... I don't want to be alone right now..."  I said looking away from him.  "Okay, I'll lay with you until you fall asleep."   He smiled grabbing my hand.  My heartbeat was really fast and my face heated up.  We walked to his room and laid down in the bed.  I grabbed his shirt putting my head on his chest.    He put his hand around me.  I mumbled a thank you before falling asleep.


I yawned opening my eyes.  I blushed realizing what position we were in.  My legs were intertwined with his, his arms hugging me tightly pulling me to his chest.  My face was so close to him I could smell his cologne.   I've known I was bisexual for a while but I didn't know I was crushing on the captain.  I mean it would explain why I always feel nervous around him.  I thought as I nuzzled into his chest.   I looked up at him to see that he was watching me.  "C-Captain!"  I yelled embarrassed.   He smirked.  "Did you just nuzzle into my chest?"  He asked as his arms traveled down to my ass.  He squeezed it.  "Gah!"   I cried surprised.   "What are you doing!"  I shrieked grabbing his shirt tightly.  All the sudden his phone rang.  He sighed letting go of and answering it.  I let out a deep breath.  "No Juliet."  I heard him say. "No!"  He shouted angrily.

Sean's Pov

My phone rang, I sighed letting go of Nick and picking up the phone. "Is he with you?!" It was Juliet. "No Juliet." I said getting annoyed. "I know he is! I'm coming over there now!" She yelled. "No!" I shouted before she hung up. "Tch." I scoffed putting my phone down. I turned back to Nick who looked like he was on the verge of tears. I hugged him tightly. "Shh, it's going to be okay." I said softly.  We walked to the kitchen.  I made us some coffee, I gave nick a cup, he had a blanket wrapped around him.  He grabbed the cup taking a sip.  "Thank you..."   He said looking into the cup.  "I'll make breakfast,"  I said walking to the fridge.  As soon as I opened the fridge I heard the door open.  "Nick!"  I heard Juliet yell walking to the kitchen.  I walked over to Nick. I watched as Juliet stormed in.
"Nick please let me explain!" "Juliet leave!" I shouted at her to get out. "Shut up Sean!" She yelled at me. I got angry and Woged. She stepped backwards. "Juliet, I don't love you anymore..." I heard Nick say. "OH REALLY?! WHO DO YOU LOVE THEN?!" She shouted angrily. "..." I stood there listening to the conversation. "Sean..." He said looking at the floor. "You're in with that thing?!" She yelled gesturing to me. "Yeah I am!" He yelled standing up. I was surprised to say the least. A Grimm in love with a Zauberbeist. "NOW LEAVE BEFORE I MAKE YOU!!" He yelled loudly. "UGH!" She yelled storming out. Nick sighed sitting back down. "So you're in love with me?" I asked with a smirk. He looked up at me his face very red. "I mean... Y-Yeah..." He said looking back at the ground. I grabbed his cup and set it on the table. I picked him up the blanket falling to the ground. "Hey!" He yelled his face burning red. I pressed my lips against his. "Mm!" He wrapped his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck. We kissed for a while before I set him down. "Captain..." "Please call me Sean." "Okay..." "So what are we?" Nick asked bluntly. "Well, what do you want us to be?" "Boyfriends..?"    "Then we might as well talk about the stuff we like in bed.~" I said sitting in front of him at the table. "I'm sorry..?" He said choking on his coffee. "You heard me.~" "Fine but you first."   "No, No. You first."   "Fine..."  He said rolling his eyes.   "Um... Well, all I know is a dirty talk, a daddy kink, a light slut shaming, and a slight bondage kink..."  My eyes widened in surprise.  "Have you ever been with a guy?"  I asked intrigued.  "A few times..."  He replied taking a sip of his coffee.  "So your experienced?"   "Yeah, I guess."  "What's the biggest size you've had?"  He choked again.   "That's a little personal."   "Just wondering."  "6 or 7."   He's in for a treat.    I thought smirking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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