Arlo's Predicament

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ARLO pov

I turn around and see a student. I do a quick judgement, and I don't like what I'm seeing. His uniform is wrinkled, he is wearing his vest, he is glaring at me, is also taller than me, and seems to have a helmet on his head. Oh wait. Thats just his hair.

"What do you want?"

"Oh what do I want? I want you to let that student go, and ask me directly about any questions or misunderstandings about me."

The way he said that. It was kinda scary. He had to be a high tier becuase no low tier has that much confidence. I decide to heed his wish, which seems more like a command.

"Very well. You may go."

I drop my barrier and throw him towards the lockers as I depower.

"ThAnK yOu" The student I was holding pipes out.

"No problemo just helping a fellow student!"

Ugh this kid pisses me off. 'Helping a fellow student' yea right I decide to play along a bit and get my info and find out his true motive.

"So. I hear your pretty powerful. That your're stronger than our Queen. I'm not buying it. She's the strongest person in the region oh and a god tier ranking an 8.6 and I've never seen you so yea no. I think you're lying."

"Hm. Well I'll tell you everything."

Elaine pov

I'm observing the small conflict from the bench near the bullitin board in the hallway. I really thought I liked Arlo, but this John, he really caught my eye. I avert my gaze and see Remi, she is headed straight here. This will get interesting. But if John really is stronger than Seraphina, this school may face some major changes.

John Pov

Cocky bastard. Hiding behind the Queen. The king, which I still don't know his name. I decide to ask him

"Before I answer your questions, Answer this. What is the great almighty king of Wellston's name?"


Arlo pov

Is this bitch trying to mock me?

"Arlo. My name is Arlo. And I'm assuming your name is John. Even though its your first day, you seem to be pretty popular."

"Yea, I'm very attractive so people flock to me."


"So whats your ability, level, and old school?"

My Ability is Aura Manipulation
My level is a 9.2
And I transferred from- uh I transfered from New Bostin Middle School."

... Why did he stutter for a minute. He is definetly hiding something, and I intend to find out what it is. I'll ask Isen.

John Pov

Shit. Why did I say New Bostin. I wanted to forget that part of me, but I guess I'll never forget that. He throws me a look. Well he's going to look into that.

I decide to get out of there before things get bad.

"Well, I'll be going now. Got class"

"...Its break. Next block doesnt start for another 23 minutes." (i dont know, i need time for the plot, i know this is unrealistic, but PLOT!)

"...Welp. Well I'm just gonna go."

"Oh no you're not."

Arlo pov

I trap him in a barrier. He whips around and his eyes start to glow a deep gold.

"Let. Me. Go."

"Not until you prove your stronger than me."

He summons disks that radiate a very similar power to mine, and then creates a barrier around me, and one around him inside mine and it starts expanding. The disks start circling me, and I summon a barrier inside of his, as a defense. I'm about to start shrinking my barrier when I get a shock of lightening.

"Arlo. Stop right now."

Remi pov

I see someone talking to Arlo from down the hall. I decide to stand by in case things go awry.

There seems to be a civilized conversation, but as soon as the other person tries to leave, a barrier surrounds them. I approach slowly and then suddenly the other person powers up and summons two barriers, and 5 disks. Thats alot of power.

Arlo's face falters for a second, and is about to start getting serious, but not on my watch. I activate my ability and send two strikes of lightening at him and he gets struck.

"Arlo. Stop right now."

The boy looks at me and his face looks terrifying. I shiver.

I think he noticed and depowered quickly and smiled formed on his face.

"Hi, I'm John. Nice to meet you! I just transferred here and can't wait to be aqquainted with you!"

He seems-Lively and I really like that.

John Pov

I shock of lightening strikes Arlo, and he depowers. I look over and see who did it and I see a Pink haired girl with fierce blue eyes and a stong build. I can tell that she is kind but firm. Almost like a mother. As her ability crackles it almost glows.

She sees me and almost shivers. I'm guessing its becouse I look really mean,so I depower and greet her.

"Hi, I'm John. Nice to meet you! I just transferred here and can't wait to be aqquainted with you!"

Once again. I panic and without think just say something cringy.

I hope she doesn't think badly of me now.

I look at her eyes and notice she is looking at me. Normally I'd just look away, but she is just magnetic.


The three of us turn around.

We see a purple girl. She does not look happy.

"What is going on? The Royals of the school gathered here. All focused on the new kid. Doesn't make us look good does it?"

We look at her like a deer in headlights.

She just sighs

"Look. If you're going to interrogate him. Choose a seperate time. I don't want to deal with the rumors. Goodbye."

We look at eachother, and before Arlo can say anything, Remi grabs my hand and drags me away, leaving a very confused Arlo staring at the place I just was.

hehe, kinda a nice sight. The cocky bastard

Remi drags me to an empty room and shuts the door. She then smirks at me and stalks towards me...

<><><><> End
Byebye 1020 words

Being  ✨Ordinary ✨ जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें