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Do you remember~ 

My letters to you, which whispered of the dawn? 

The passages opened for- what we have not become. 

Do you still reflect on my spirit, restless- 

When the birds call to you in the waking moons? 

I was once your divine, now I am the angel who weeps.

I stood outside your window today- 

Only to listen to you recite. 

I hid myself well, behind the great rose-vines  

-just to taste once more, the scent you inhale.

My mind holds stern; 

This is my virtue- 

My heart bleeds upon your hands; 

This is my suffering 

My voice is held mute; 

Yet, still I call your name.

Do you remember~ 

When you would lift me high above the earth- to spread my delicate wings? 

Today, I tried to fly without you 

-but my wing has been broken...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2011 ⏰

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