Crush (Yu-Gi-Oh FanFic)

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"MOVE! Get out of my way!"

Bakura stormed through the cafeteria towards his table, ready to give the pieces of shit he dared associate with a piece of his mind. Students scrambled out of the way to give ample space for him to get by. It was more than common sense to stay out of the bully's way whenever possible, especially when he was angry.

Bakura shoved a girl who was moving too slow for him out of his way, took a quick look to laugh at her spilled lunch, and slammed his palms on the edge of the table. Seto's drink tipped over from the force and spilled over the table. Growling, Seto picked up the bottle and chucked it at Bakura's face.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I did everything you fools said, and that baka still said no!" Bakura knocked the bottle to Yami, hitting him in the chest. "What could've went wrong?"

Yami glared at him. "I suppose if you approached him like that, he would have no choice but to say no."

"No!" Bakura shoved Jounouchi and Anzu over on the opposite bench of the table and sat down. "I did like you said and was calm when I talked to him."

"Did you ask to talk to him alone?"

Bakura hesitated. "You could say that."

Yami blinked. "Were you cordial?"

"Depends on your definition."

Two blinks. "And you didn't hurt him?"


Yami closed his eyes and pressed his finger to his temple. He really should have expected this. No matter how much prepping he and Anzu could have given him, Bakura would have messed it up.

Bakura swallowed what was in his mouth. "I did like you idiots said and..."

"Stop running!"

"Leave me alone!"

The younger boy didn't stop, and turned the corner. Swearing, Bakura picked up the pace and finally caught up to the boy. Grabbing him by the collar, he threw the boy against the locker. "Didn't I tell you to stop?"

Ryou grabbed at his neck. "That hurts..."

Bakura released him. "This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't run in the first place. I just wanted to talk to you."

Ryou didn't answer. What could he possibly have to talk to him about?

"If you're just going to stand there and look stupid, I'm going to tell you now. You're my boyfriend."

Ryou's eyes widened. "What?"

"Now you're deaf? I said you're my boyfriend."

Ryou shook his head."I'm not understanding..."

Bakura growled. "What's not to understand? You're in a relationship with me, and you're going to do what I say."

"I don't think that's how a relationship works. And I don't want to be your boyfriend. I'm sorry."

Ryou attempted to walk off, but Bakura grabbed him by the hair and held him in place. "Why not? I like you."

Ryou pushed him off. "But I don't like you."

Bakura was getting frustrated now. What the hell was the problem? "How come?"

Ryou glared at him. "Maybe you're forgetting all those times you dumped milk on me-"

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