Chapter 1: Getting Help

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Chapter 1: Getting Help

OK.... Here it is. *SIGH* I don't know why but I'm scared to post this, afraid that y'all won't like the plot of this or what happens in the next few chapters. It's not anything super horrible happening to the other characters and no one dies, but... It's gonna be a bit different then Forever Haunted.

So.... Here goes nothing.

Sariah looked at the scene she had relived so much during her sessions with the Professor. Angelo holding his sister, tears streaming down his face. She saw herself, tears falling slowly down her own face, and saw the look of horror, confusion, and sadness on her face.

She was a duplicate Sariah, observing the scene from a few feet away. The Professor was next to her, looking on silently.

"How is this helping me, Professor?" asked Sariah. "Reliving her death just hurts me more."

"You must realize that coming to terms with her death helps you heal," said the Professor.

"I have come to terms."

"Not fully."

Sariah turned away from the scene, instead observing the chaos ensuing around in the city.

"I believe we are done," said the Professor softly.

Sariah's eyes opened to see the office in her line of vision. She sighed. "Can we please stop going to relive that?" she asked the Professor, exasperated.

"Sariah, I am trying to help," said the Professor. "I know you don't understand how it will help, but in time, you will understand it. I promise."

The Professor smiled at Sariah. "Should we work on your telepathy?" asked the Professor.

Ever since Onikah's death, the Professor had immedately begun extra sessions with Sariah to help with her telepathy. He was afraid that the stress she had been going through would not be good for her developing powers. He had taken immediate action to teach Sariah to control her telepathy. He didn't want anything bad to happen like when Jean's powers had developed rapidly a few years ago.

Sariah sighed in response and stood up. She was honestly getting tired of the Professor's help. She liked developing her telepathy; he had shown her how to do some very interesting things she hadn't known she could do with her powers. No, it was reliving Onikah's death she disliked.

From the window, Sariah could see the students playing a wild looking game of baseball. She though longingly of jumping into the game and joining her classmates.

"You wish to join your classmates," observed the Professor.

"Yes," admitted Sariah.

"Go on ahead," smiled the Professor. "We have done a lot today."

"Professor?" asked Sariah, turning away from the window to look at him.


"Will it ever get better?"

"I do not know if your nightmares will ever cease," sighed the Professor. "But we can minimize them."

"Thank you," smiled Sariah. She gave the Professor a kiss on the forehead before leaving.

It had been 2 months since the death of Onikah and nearly a year since Sariah had joined the X-Men. It had seemed like such a long time ago she had been rescued from her mother whom she had believed was trying to kill her.

Sariah felt her heart ache as she thought of her mother. It had been 2 months since she had last seen her mother, and that had been when Mystique had betrayed Sariah. She was aching still from the betrayal.

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