How The Kid Stole Gay Ships

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WiiFanNumber12005 Presents

Noel's "How The Kid Stole Gay Ships"

Obviously Based On Dr. Seuss's "How The Grinch Stole Christmas"

The Kid Is Played By Noel/WiiFanNumber12005

Story : Written By Noel/WiiFanNumber12005

And Told By Imaginary Boris Karloff

Published On December 25th 2020

Every Fangirl on Wattpad was in love with Gay Object Show Ships. When asked if they liked any Gay ship they'd say yes with their sweet sweet lips.

And Christmas was the biggest time of the year where Gay Ships shine the most! They would get a ton of love through art and one shots if it was a contestant or a host.

MePhone X MePad X Toilet is a WONDERFUL Threesome, and no other ship could ever be more wholesome!

Trowel X Beer is actually canon, and Knife X Trophy is the definition of nice. Countless Ships people could say were as adorable as a group of Mice.

Baseball X Nickel, is really adorable, M&M X Grassy is super Cute. 

Every Gay Ship felt like a bag full of loot. Every single Fangirl on Wattpad thought that Gay Ships were as amazing as Waffles! BUT THE KID... Who lived just north of all the Fangirls, in Ontario Canada found all the Gay ships awful!

The Kid hated Gay ships, every single one. Even the ships that involved his very own OC Wii. Please don't ask why we're not SURE How this could be.

It could be perhaps that his head wasn't screwed on just right. Or it could be perhaps that his shoes were too tight.

But I think that the most likely reason of all, would've been that his heart..... Was two sizes too small.....

But whatever the reason that makes your ears curl, he stood inside his room on Christmas Eve, hating the Fangirls.

Staring down at his iPad with a cranky sour kid frown, at the vibrant coloured fanart below in their town!

For he knew every Fangirl on Wattpad was busy now celebrating Christmas trying to make their special ships look more rad.

He snarled with a sneer.

"Tomorrow is Christmas... It's practically here."

Then he growled.

"Christmas used to be one of my favourite times of the year. But now, since all people celebrate Christmas with are Gay Ships, it brings me nothing but fear!

With his Kiddy words nervously insisting...

"I must find some way to keep Gay Ships from EXISTING!!!"

"Tomorrow I know... All those fangirls will wake bright and early and rush for their ships with a body pillow of Steve Cobs the Cob of Corn."



"And they'll write DOZENS of One Shots with EXTREMELY DULL Characters and Plots! Boy, can I go on to say how much I HATE those WATTS..."

"They'll be ALL OVER IT on their announcements! Only 'cause they think they'll be such an enhancement..."

"Heck, these ships will be the ONLY Thing people will talk about in general! I just WISH I could ban all of this if I was somewhat Federal."

"Then the Fangirls, young and old, will sit down to roleplay."

"And they'll roleplay, and they'll roleplay."

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