Chapter 1: A trip in the park

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Disclaimer: Darling in the Franxx is an anime owned by trigger studios.  I do not own the characters, or any intellectual property related to this, nor the artwork.  I simply had a story that I want to tell for these characters.  Links and credits for the art will be in the author's notes at the end of the story.  

Location: Earth

Time: 1000 years after the war

The sun smiled down upon a park, its golden rays warming up all of the people as they wandered about. The beams of light shone down upon the massive tree in the middle of the park, making its way between the pink flowers as it made its way towards the soil. Inches from the ground, the light bounced upon the page of a book being held by a little boy as he turned to the next one.

He continued to gaze at the contents of the book, enamored at the detailed pictures contained in it. Despite having other books that he could read; this was one that he had always enjoyed returning to, no matter how many times he opened it. His dark hair was gently moved as the wind blew, trying to turn the next page for him.

He held down the page firmly as he continued to read his favorite part. This was the section written by the editor talking about how the young warriors known as parasites had helped to bring the end to the great Klaxxsosaur War when the people were finally able to live in peace and the earth became green once again.

There was an old picture of these soldiers, all arranged neatly as they starred at the camera. The people in the picture all looked happy, but the boy's eyes were drawn to a particular pair. On the right-hand side of the image, there stood a boy with dark hair and light green eyes, standing up proudly.

There was a girl who was hugging his left arm, her pink hair and red uniform sharply contrasting with the grey and blue uniforms worn by the other children. Her small horns only made the contrast even sharper, and yet they both had the same expression of happiness as their picture was being taken

Whether it was the fact that he looked very similar to the boy, or the bright red horns of the girl beside him, he was always curious about the pair. There were a lot of myths surrounding these children that lived and fought over a thousand years ago but even so, there was something in his mind that felt familiar as he starred at the aged image.

"Stop running! You'll fall!" A voice cried out nearby. The boy paid little attention, knowing it was probably one of the other children's parents being too worried. The sound of a small pair of feet running and a girl laughing and getting closer did catch his ears, but still not enough to stop gazing upon the image.

"I'll be fine!" The girl replied and tripped as soon as the words escaped out of her mouth. She made a small noise of surprise as she fell down flat on her face and right next to the boy, finally looking up from his book.

"Ow." The girl said softly as she started to pick herself up. The boy put down his book and hurriedly approached the girl, hoping that she had not hurt herself.

"You okay?" he asked as he started to reach his hand out. From a young age, he had always been eager to help others, even if he didn't know them. "If I don't know them," he had excitedly explained to his mother a few times, "then I should make friends with them while helping!"

"Ok, as long as you are safe!" She had laughed and ruffled his hair, before sending him off to school that day. As he offered his hand, the girl's hand also started to reach out. "Who are you?" he wanted to ask.

"Who are you?" The girl asked as she took his hand. "Me?" The boy asked. This was the first time that someone had asked this when he was helping. Usually, it was he who was asking for the name, eager to make friends with anyone he could.

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