
I can’t believe I forgot to say anything on my Wattpad Anniversary, so I figured my birthday would be the next best thing. 
          	I hope you all are well! I’m doing good, and I’m excited to see what 23 has to offer me. 


Happy birthday, lovely!! Sending you lots and lots of love! xxxx


To be honest, I've been following you for about 4 years (I actually had another account but I had to delete that account for personal reasons ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ) and I LOVE your fanfiction! especially “professor??” my favourite. As for why I wrote this, I have no idea. I just wanted to write and wrote, also I heard that you graduated, congratulations! And finally, my native language is not English and I cannot say that I speak English very well, so I used translation, I hope you can understand♡


Hello friends! I’m back briefly to check in on you all and welcome the newcomers. How are you? I hope you’re doing well <3


@plebeians- it has ! took a pretty long hiatus but it looks like im FINALLY gonna finish a fic this summer


@thirstymalfoy | Oh wow, that means so much to me! I hope your writing process has been going well?


i remember u were one of the writers that inspired me to properly start writing ! i should reread tbh 


Hiii! It’s been a few years and I recently redownloaded Wattpad because I couldn’t stop thinking of your stories <3 (and maybe deleting mine because of the cringefest )
          I just wanna say I hope you succeed in life and live it to the fullest! Congrats on the graduation! 


@Imbecilic-Idiot | Hello, I remember you! How are you? I hope you’re well. I’m honored that my stories have impacted you as much as they have. That means a lot to me. 


Hello! Coming at you with a quick life update:
          I graduated college! As of now, I have two bachelor’s degrees in English Literature and Creative Writing. 
          During my time as an undergraduate, I also managed to get three of my short stories published—two of which are in physical publications that I’m not sure are able to be purchased or shipped out anymore, but the third is linked in my Linktree on this account. As for the other two, I have versions of them on my other account, @cassiegripp
          I’m mostly working in freelance editing, but I’m hoping to land a more permanent gig soon. In the meantime, I’m loving the people I’m working with and the projects I’ve been blessed to be a part of. 
          Overall, life’s good. I hope you all are doing well!


@plebeians- i've been doing well too! ty for asking 


@dracockpottah | Thank you so much! I’ve been doing well, how are you?


big congratulations on graduating college and another huge one for getting your stories published!! i hope you're well and can't wait to see what else is in store for you! 


Hello! I hope you all are doing well. Recently, I submitted my short story, “Sun-kissed” into a literary magazine and was accepted for publication. As of today, the publication is out! You can view the story for free here:


What magazine? I’d love to read and support there as well! 




this message may be offensive
It’s always so bittersweet to come back here and look upon something that made up a large part of my teenage years. Sometimes, I miss the simpler days of staying up late and writing fanfiction. However, those days have passed and I don’t see them ever coming back, especially not for the HP Universe — fuck you, JKR. Nowadays, I have my own stories to tell. I hope you’ll come along with me for the journey :)


Hello all! I was recently published in an arts and literary magazine by my university. If you like Greek mythology and the story of Hades and Persephone, consider checking out my story which I have also posted here on Wattpad for those that don’t have access to the magazine! I hope you enjoy it!


In honor of me revamping my account, @cassiegripp, I have decided to post one of my short stories. Please enjoy “Sun-kissed,” the tragic story of Icarus, who flew too close to the sun and allowed it to burn him with a smile. Link: