
          	Read DEATH ON ARRIVAL:
          	MY FIRST STORY AFTER LIKE A BAJILLION YEARS!!! Written in the same style as OBSESSIVE. On a serious note, I've been working on a book for 2 years that I intend to publish properly. 
          	For my return I've changed my username to something more suitable for me. I'm still the same crazy, just under a new penname @neptunesstardust or ns for short. 


@neptunesstardust I’m confused about the book obsessed


Hey, sorry if this is wierd or if I found the wrong person, but this is Cam, we used to be in a KIK chat for a few years and I was trying to see if you were okay and if you still kept in contact with anyone else (Aonna, Chris, Pac). I was able to keep in contact with Aonna but she became inactive on her Tumblr since 2020. And uh, if this is the wrong person I'm so sorry LOL please have a good one 


          Read DEATH ON ARRIVAL:

          MY FIRST STORY AFTER LIKE A BAJILLION YEARS!!! Written in the same style as OBSESSIVE. On a serious note, I've been working on a book for 2 years that I intend to publish properly. 
          For my return I've changed my username to something more suitable for me. I'm still the same crazy, just under a new penname @neptunesstardust or ns for short. 


@neptunesstardust I’m confused about the book obsessed


I'm going to be writing again! I'm back, better and furious. I've been through an absolutely shocking 2 year hex- becoming homeless, getting into debts, and now I've got a notice from university declining my application to go onto the creative writing course.
          Well I'm going to excel without that degree, because writing isn't a game to me. I'm now writing to survive. I'm now writing to make my living because its the only thing I have left.
          I hope you'll all enjoy my new writing style. It may have been a couple years since I've posted a new story, but I've been writing in notebooks etc. I promise you I've honed my skill to bigger and better places! 


@neptunesstardust when are we going to get epilogue part two of ass milk


@neptunesstardust bruh I'll support u in anyway possible  